As a dream symbol, the queen in your dream represents your ability for independence, self-understanding and self-determination. It also represents inner wealth that will enable you to be your best and help you to achieve your goals.
Quicksand... (read all at source)
To dream of the queen means you have teaching / spiritual leadership abilities. Each of us has both male and female aspects. Leadership uses the female aspect and works through the heart. This is why the Queen is commonly used to indicate this gift. The Queen of Hearts also indicates this. (read all at source)
queen a woman who is a leader; the centre; things come easily to this woman; beautiful, strong and mighty; powerful and able to move straight or diagonal. Who's the 'Queen Bee'? (read all at source)
The Queen in a dream can symbolize the Wise Woman Archetype. For a woman, she can embody power and wisdom becoming active. For the man, she can embody one of the last stages in his initiation into the feeling realm. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Regal; duty; fertility
Popular Expressions: To live like a queen; Queen for a day... (read all at source)
Queen dreamed of - get the inheritance when you do not expect to completely.
English Dream Book... (read all at source)
Definition For:
A queen speaks of royalty and of favor. As believers we are all kings and queens in the Lord. It speaks of our position and authority in Christ. (read all at source)
Where Holly is the King of the winter months, Ivy is his Queen. Both Holly and Ivy are common companions during the winter solstice because of their evergreen status. (read all at source)
There was no one around but I said "the queen must halve died in labor". I turned around and said the Egyptian queen very pregnant and very beautiful. She had kind eyes so I ran to her, she was in labor. I wanted to help her but the pharaoh came around the corner. (read all at source)
Queen-a symbol of high status in a social group, Ps. 45:9
Queen bee-symbolic of an aggressive or domineering woman, a Jezebel spirit, Rev. 2:20
Quicksand-symbolic of a trap that can kill you, Ps. 69:2... (read all at source)
Royalty. Noble aspect of femininity. Ready to express some power.
Quest... (read all at source)
Queen Feelings connected with your mother. Ruling passions. A desire to rule over others emotionally, or to be respected. Also your need for recognition and acclaim. More... (read all at source)
Example dream : A dream where the dreamer talks about a Street called New Queens College Street was linked to the dreamers recent interest in alternative history. She had been watching TV programs which argued that the entire course of human history was shaped by aliens from outer space. (read all at source)
To dream of a queen, foretells successful ventures. If she looks old or haggard, there will be disappointments connected with your pleasures. See Empress. (read all at source)
Queentop list
Female principal, nurturing, authority.
Quicksandtop list
If you dream that you are in quicksand means that you may be deceived or threatened by a loss. (read all at source)
queen says:
i dreamt of the sea waves coming on top of my house nd me.wat does it mean to dream abt the sea coming towards u
Reply... (read all at source)
Queen - May represent mother; the unconscious; intuition; instincts; nature; personal growth.
Question - To question something in your dream means your suspicions towards someone or some aspect of your life. Being questioned may indicate an unfairness in some aspect of your life. (read all at source)
Kings or queens abdicating portend achievement in social fields.... Continue dream interpretation - Abdication"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Abdomen... (read all at source)
It's where we meet nerds, bullies, terror teachers, weirdos, queens and pricks, crushes, friends, and foes. Your dream may be telling you that you are mature now to face anything or any character from that menagerie called the prom night. (read all at source)
Dream Dictionary
To dream of a queen, foretells succesful[sic] ventures. If she looks old or haggard, there will be disappointments connected with your pleasures. (read all at source)
Being a queen in a dream indicates a position of power and authority. This can indicate that you are in control over your own life if you are a confident and happy queen in your dream. However, being royalty is not always a positive thing in a dream time. (read all at source)
Perhaps in a past life you were a king, queen, president, or rich person. At the end of your last life you may have decided that seeking fame, power, privilege, or wealth are futile pursuits. Perhaps you enjoyed your status and came to the end of that experience. You learned what you needed to know. (read all at source)
- Military officer orders me to watch Queens baby
- Bathing in blood - dream symbolism
- Dream symbols - bears and german shepard dog
- With ex boyfriend and another girl - dream analysis
- Wolf transforms into my boyfriend - dream interpretation
- Cat killed a bird - dream interpretation... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Queen, Friend
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Haggard symbol. (read all at source)
In addition, the King represents dominance and success, the Queen represents emotional sensitivity, and the Jack represents energy and creativity... (read all at source)
absence of mind, absentmindedness, absorption, abstractedness, abstraction, ace, ache, airy hope, airy nothing, aspiration, assume, autism, bad dream, bathing beauty, be absent, be afraid, beau ideal, beaut, beauty, beauty contest winner, beauty queen, believe, belle, bemusement, brown study, bubble,... (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are royalty (queen, king, prince, princess) can mean you are feeling, wishing for, or feeling you are lacking one of the qualities listed above. (read all at source)
Both an authority and a mother figure, the queen is an archetypal symbol of power. If you are the queen, the dream may be suggesting a desire for leadership. If someone else is the queen, the dream may indicate you see the woman as capable and powerful.
quest... (read all at source)
- see Dream Dictionary: People
To be involved in a quest is the unconscious demonstrating that we are to face trials and tribulations to obtain the prize at the end. The quest is always deemed important by the individual because they are prepared to suffer to gain. (read all at source)
Similar to king as they are both dreams of royalty. A woman who dreams of being crowned a queen will suffer set backs in her life due to having too many high flown ideas that are too self serving. (read all at source)
One can "Cut to the chase" (as in get to the point), or be "Cutting edge." It represents strength and ethics. It is basically male in energy, though there is a Queen of Swords that represents sorrow that can be overcome by reason and thought. This card also represents profound clarity. (read all at source)