Empress dreams by DreamMean
To dream of an empress, denotes that you will be exalted to high honors, but you will let pride make you very unpopular.
To dream of an empress and an emperor is not particularly bad, but brings one no substantial good.
Queen: To dream of a queen, foretells succesful{sic} ventures.
If she looks old or haggard, there will be disappointmentsconnected with your pleasures.
- See Empress. (read all at source)
Empress :
This dream symbolize that you can get honor, but you can also get unpopular. (read all at source)
Question To question the merits of a thing in your dreams, denotes that you will suspect some one whom you love of unfaithfulness, and you will fear for your speculations. To ask a question, foretells that you will earnestly strive for truth and be successful. (read all at source)
To see an empress in your dream, signifies that you will be honoured highly, but your pride will make you very unpopular. (read all at source)
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Dream Tarot Card: The Empress
1. In British mythology, the mouse is usually portrayed as weak and timid, but blessed with compensatory traits of intelligence, compassion, and resourcefulness. (read all at source)
The Cypress, the Empress, or Noble - beautiful lady,
The Pomegranate - a well-born, strong and very wealthy man. Strict because the fruit is prickly and solid;
The Grapevine symbolizes a woman;
The Olive - tree a happy, friendly and wealthy man;... (read all at source)
See also related symbol: Empress
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The planet Venus is associated with the colors green and red.
Venus corresponds with Friday in the days of the week
Venus is associated with the Empress card as well as the Lovers card in the language of Tarot.
Its numerological correspondence is four and six. (read all at source)