Zinc dreams by DreamMean
To work with or to see zinc in your dreams, indicates substantial and energetic progress. Business will assume a brisk tone in its varying departments.
To dream of zinc ore promises the approach of eventful success.
To see zinc in your dream, signifies that your business or educational pursuits will go through a process of positive renewal and energetic progress.
Zinnias ... (read all at source)
A dream featuring Zinc symbolizes energetic and considerable progress of some kind. It also implies that a goal of yours will be reached quickly.
ZIPPER ... (read all at source)
Zinc (sunscreen) symbolic of the need for protection
Zion-the golden city of God, Isa. 28:16
Zodiac signs-symbolic of mythology and predicting the fu�ture, Jer. 10:2-3... (read all at source)
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'zinc'
zoological garden
To dream of visiting zoological gardens, denotes that you will have a varied fortune. Sometimes it seems that enemies will overpower you and again you stand in the front rank of success. (read all at source)
To dream of working with or seeing zinc indicates that your business will go through a process of renewal and become a better enterprise. To taste zinc may mean you are in need of food suppliment tablets to correct an existing health problem or even smelly feet.
Zodiac... (read all at source)
Dream "Zinc"
Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse
pour the melted - not all of you will be able to buy - the welfare zinc utensils - will get in pleasant company. To see or work with the zinc in the dream - is significant and vigorous advance. (read all at source)
Zinc: Zinc is a moderately reactive metal that will combine with oxygen and other non- metals, and will react with dilute acids to release hydrogen. Alchemists prepared philosopher's wool by burning the metal zinc in air. (read all at source)
See also: Zinc , Karma , Zoological Garden , Bail , Jar
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:
List of Terms: Terms beginning with "A", Page 1 ... (read all at source)
James @ 2012-02-03 05:42:51
I dreamt my mother who passed away was was washing dishes and there was 3 lizards on the wall hugh ones, 2 brown and the other green. The green lizard fell into the zinc and my mother opened the hot water and the lizard died. (read all at source)
flowering hazel, flowering onion, flowering plant, flowering quince, flowering raspberry, flowering shrub, flowering spurge, flowering stone, flowering tobacco, flowering tree, flowering wintergreen, Flowerless, Flowerlessness, flowerlike, flower-of-an-hour, Flowerpot, Flowers, flowers of zinc,... (read all at source)
A well-known symbol for the fear of failure, and also always as punishment. (read all at source)
ZEBRAtop list
Duality... (read all at source)