Yearn dream meaning

Yearn dreams by DreamMean
To feel in a dream that you are yearning for the presence of anyone, denotes that you will soon hear comforting tidings from your absent friends.

For a young woman to think her lover is yearning for her, she will have the pleasure of soon hearing some one making a long-wished-for proposal. If she lets him know that she is yearning for him, she will be left alone and her longings will grow apace.

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Dream "Yearn"
Small Dream Book
A dream in which you feel the longing for a loved one, means that soon you will come to hear from those who are now far away from you. (read all at source)

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For a young woman to think her lover is yearning for her, she will have the pleasure of soon hearing some one making a long-wished-for proposal. If she lets him know that she is yearning for him, she will be left alone and her longings will grow apace.
"... (read all at source)

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If you dream that a friend or a lover is yearning for you this suggests that you will soon be getting a long wanted proposal and your happiness is assured. If you dream you yearn for a particular person then you will find joy and contentment with your present spouse.
Yellow Bird ... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are being yearned for, indicates that you will soon be greeted with a proposal for marriage. To dream that you yearn for someone, foretells that you will find joy and contentment with your present love.
Yeast ... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are yearning for something or someone, foretells you will soon hear news from your absent friends. Alternatively, it indicates that there is a void that is lacking in your waking life.
TOP... (read all at source)

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Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
To feel a yearning or a desire to see one's homeland in a dream means divorce between a husband and a wife, or separation between friends, or it could mean becoming rich after being poor. (read all at source)

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A dream where you yearn for something implies that you are suppressing your desires in some part of your life. It can also symbolize impatience.
YEAST ... (read all at source)

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A yearning for salad in a dream indicates your body's need for vitamin supplements, given by the range of components inside the salad. Pay attention to the greens as well as the nutritional qualities of the salad. Also dreaming of meals means any desire to have nourishment in general. (read all at source)

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To yearn in a dream can also suggest that the dreamer, in attempting find peace with their spiritual core, has lost patience.
Yeast is a substance of strength that has the ability to alter food with respect to shape and taste for the better. (read all at source)

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hunger yearning for something you don't have; eating the wrong kinds of foods. What are you craving?
hunt searching for something; tracking; looking after your basic needs; feeling hunted. What have you lost? (read all at source)

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Every human yearns for some form of continuity in his life, for a sense of secure comfort. The ring symbolizes security, continuity and infinity, since it has no beginning and no end, as well as binding to a human or a community, as is the faithfulness with which we hold to the commitments once. (read all at source)

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The womb; the unconscious;primal yearnings/urges (especially dark waters), hence the instincts; undeveloped potentiality out of which light (consciousness) arises; creativity; the cosmic nothingness out of which creation arose. (read all at source)

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Wishing or yearning for happiness or good things
A feeling of attaining the unattainable
A different experience or "other world," as in the world "over the rainbow" or "at rainbow's end"
Celebrating your uniqueness or the differences among people... (read all at source)

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In bird dream symbolism, falcons represent our yearning for freedom and clarity and is often considered a message from the subconscious to use our intellectual power to obtain the freedom we desire in lives. Falcons also beckon a need for focus. (read all at source)

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- "yearning"
- "he really wants it"
- "If I keep trying I a sure I will succeed"
- "I have a busy day tomorrow and want to get started"
- "I have their wholehearted support"
- "he has shown how eager he is"
- "he is devoted to his job"
- "they are all so reluctant"
- "his argument is weak"... (read all at source)

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I could tell she was into me, and I am certainly attracted to her and remember yearning for her in the dream. I had never felt this way about her in reality before this dream, but now feel compelled to contact her despite never being acquainted with her before. (read all at source)

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' This can also be a play on the word 'yearn' when you are not expressing your true desires. A ball of yarn in a dream can represent wholeness and how aspects that appear to be opposites are actually connected. The ball of yarn ties it all together. (read all at source)

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The opportunity to satisfy a yearning, thirst, craving, or desire—such as a thirst for knowledge or hunger for life
see also: dish drinking container glass
categories: Objects
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Jesus is our Groom. He is loving and yearns for us. May times I have seen the groom desiring to take the Bride to the wedding chambers. This speaks of His love for us and His desire to woo us into receiving all He has for us. To become intimate with Him. (read all at source)

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It could also reflect a yearning for holidays of yesteryear, when you were a child.
Of course, if holidays are a total nightmare to you then the dream could have a more negative aspect. (read all at source)

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Celebrities in your dreams can signify a yearning to be more involved in the social scene. This dream also represents a part of you that craves recognition for past efforts. (read all at source)

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Nightingale : symbolizes yearning and pain; in Christianity it
symbolizes the longing for heaven.
Raven : intelligence; oftentimes depicting things we really prefer not to hear. (read all at source)

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began, spoil for, spun-out, statuesque, stretched-out, sustained, talkative, tall, the livelong day, thirst, thirst for, till doomsday, time immemorial, undyingly, unendingly, unrelenting, verbose, want, want to, weary for, windy, wish, wish for, wish to, without end, wordy, year after year, yearn,... (read all at source)

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This is often a sign of fierce passion and longing. The thundering of the water reflects the yearning in your heart. Is there something that you really want, but can't have?
Dream Symbol Dictionary
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To dream that you are in an art gallery, signifies disappointing reunions. You struggle to put forth a happy appearance, but in the inside, you yearn to be somewhere else.
To dream of having arthritis actually means that your problems are very minor and should not be stressed about. (read all at source)

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You yearn for a chance to return to a position where you were liberated from responsibilities, maybe even feeling unable to help and unable to complete your own needs and caring about yourself. You may even be inundated in your own sentiments. (read all at source)

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Subjects in the free Dream Interpretation Dictionary starting with the letter 'XYZ', such as Zoo, Yule, Log, Yawning, Young, Yearn, Zodiac and Zebra, are covered in this Dream Interpretation section. (read all at source)

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Genealogical Tree, Landau, Anecdote, Portrait, Horoscope, Agony, Jolly, Carnival, Soda Fountain, Alloy, Coals, Africa, Rooks, Wet, Thaw, Acquit, Sulphur, Spice, Play, Bathroom, Pup, Ride, Chandelier, Pheasant, Baseball, Nuts, Want, Bridle, Harvest, Bees, Axe, Thigh, Picnic, Sea Foam, Yearn, Vase,... (read all at source)

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To dream of a classroom may indicate that the dreamer is feeling the heat of competition from someone, and is likely to signify self-respect and the social position of the dreamer. It can also represent a yearning for the past, for conformity and hopefulness for the future.
Clay ... (read all at source)

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Art Gallery
To dream that you are in an art gallery, signifies disappointing reunions. You struggle to put forth a happy appearance, but in the inside, you yearn to be somewhere else. (read all at source)

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Your task now is to fulfil the destiny you set for yourself. You must work to learn the sometimes-hard lessons you have set. You do not remember your past lives because these memories might hamper your spiritual progress. They could cause feelings of guilt or yearning for experiences past. (read all at source)

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