Windmill dream meaning

Windmill dreams by DreamMean
To see a windmill in operation in your dreams, foretells abundant accumulation of fortune and marked contentment

To see one broken or idle, signifies adversity coming unawares.

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fixtures that only turn on when someone walks into a room are more expensive than regular lights, but after a few years the reduced power usage saves money. What examples of green energy are you looking at that are so cost-inefficient? Around here (Midwest) people have been installing windmills,... (read all at source)

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Transforming one thing, situation, or dynamic into another (as a windmill transforms wind energy into electricity or other forms)
Making the best of a situation or environment (as a windmill takes advantage of windy conditions)
Energy, movement, or the ability to keep going or persevere... (read all at source)

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windmill low energy; false start; returning to basics; going Dutch; needing more energy; going round and round; alternate energy source; tilting at windmills by attacking an enemy that isn't there. Where are you conserving your energy to meet your own needs? (read all at source)

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To see a functional windmill in your dream, represents the power of the mind. It is also indicative of your emotional state of mind. To see an idle or broken windmill, signifies unexpected obstacles. (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Windmill, Billiards, Quarry, Voucher, Wheels, Reapers, Hoe, Parrot, Gate, Loom, Palace, Opulence
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Idle symbol. (read all at source)

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creeping elegance, creeping featurism, creeping featuritis, creeping fern, creeping Jenny, creeping juniper, creeping lily, creeping oxalis, creeping snowberry, creeping soft grass, creeping spike rush, creeping St John's wort, creeping thistle, creeping thyme, creeping willow, creeping windmill... (read all at source)

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