"At our boarding-place there was at the time a quartette of us grass widowers, as we called ourselves, and in order to pass away the time pleasantly we had organized a `grass widowers' euchre club. (read all at source)
Marriage If take off from the nest - You're going to marry a widower (widow) with children and you will find real love;
Gossip If drop - You will be slandered by bad people, but don't worry they won't harm you;
Vexation If broken - The signal that you will have resentment and annoyance;... (read all at source)
Widow bird, widow woman, widowed, Widower, Widowerhood, Widowhood, Widow-hunter, Widowly, Widow-maker, widowman, Widows, widow's peak, widow's walk, widow's weeds, Widow-wail
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)
To see a bullfrog, denotes, for a woman, marriage with a wealthy widower, but there will be children with him to be cared for.
To see frogs in low marshy places, foretells trouble, but you will overcome it by the kindness of others. (read all at source)
weed addictions; too hemmed-in; time to break out of old, stale patterns; boredom; a need to express wildness; something overgrown; it will grow anywhere; a widow, or widower's, weeds. What needs to be weeded out? (read all at source)
Wear a ring on the finger or ring - for entry into a second marriage or cohabitation with a widower. Thimble on her finger is in serious trouble, which can not be avoided. (read all at source)