Whole dream meaning

Wholeness and Warning The eight is a symbol of wholeness. Thus, for example, , the scale has eight sounds as an octave and in the Indian religion called the eight-fold way of Buddha. In the dream the eight points out to completeness. (read all at source)

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Pie-Whole: Business endeavors (as in "having a finger in a lot of pies"); part of the action (as in "I'd like a piece of that pie, myself"). (Luke 12:13)
Pills-See Drugs
Pipe-See Smoking... (read all at source)

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Wholeness or perfection in wholeness, temptation, the color red, New York City.
See also: fruit
Category(s): Objects... (read all at source)

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A whole and balanced personality occurs when we have both genders in balance, not when one is promoted over another. It can lead to dogmatism in a woman who has not integrated her male, a moody and emotionally fickle and open to swings of feeling in a man who has not integrated his female. (read all at source)

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- Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one's being, but by integration of the contraries. (read all at source)

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The whole "666" subject is, of course, Biblical in origin, so researching its symbolism (including its potential representation of "the beast") would logically need to start with the Bible. Interpretation then, may vary according to which Bible is consulted. (read all at source)

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Four - Wholeness; the completely integrated human psyche.
Five - Five is a number for change (being the next number after four, five is starting over again).
(1) May be number for completeness.Six is a multiple of three (same as three).
(2) May symbolize conflict. (read all at source)

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On the whole, dreaming of makeup is associated with hiding your true appearance from everyone or trying hard to conceal your real self from people. It usually means that a person is trying to veil an aspect of his or her personality which they are afraid of, or doesn't want to show anyone. (read all at source)

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If your whole family is dreaming at the table - a dream promises you health and material well-being. If you dream that a family quarrel - is to discouragement and disappointment.
New family dream book... (read all at source)

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To see a whole herd of buffalo in your dream, symbolizes tranquility and abundance.
To see an injured or killed buffalo, suggests that you should not try anything unfamiliar for a while.
Bull... (read all at source)

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Part of a whole (such as one member of a group, or one event in a series)
The idea of small, or a miniature version of the whole
Disintegration (in the case of an object that is breaking or eroding)
The idea of "not enough" or feeling short-changed... (read all at source)

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planet wholeness and awareness; taking in the big picture; ecologically conscious; check out your horoscope. How can you help the planet today?
planetarium some of your ideas are out of this world; stars in your eyes; looking up too long.. Who is accepting make-believe for the real thing? (read all at source)

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Integration. Wholeness.
Infidelity with lover. Warning of troubles. Discipline grace. Culture. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of the whole earth (seeing it like a globe) means you are a loyal friend. See also "digging."
Earthquakes in dreams often mean you are worried about money issues. These dreams are also common in people recovering from illness. (read all at source)

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Enter a word, in whole or partly, in the search box below or click a letter in the alphabetical index to see a clickable list of dream symbols.
Crochet :
You are either too curious, or you must not tell the whole truth to someone. (read all at source)

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He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.
See also: Zoological Garden , Fairy , Salve , Raffle ,
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)

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If you enjoy the whole process of dreaming and take pleasure in catching a dream before it fades into obscurity then you are much more likely to improve your dream recall
... (read all at source)

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Quick Decode: Wholeness; new potential; hidden treasures

Popular Expressions: A nest egg; Put all your eggs in one basket; Egg on your face... (read all at source)

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When we look at the whole thing in these terms, we can see that the dream could refer to anything from an actual wedding, to selling your car or house. (read all at source)

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Eight can symbolize wholeness and the infinite aspect of life. In numerology, eight is considered to be a powerful number of creativity and leadership. Eight on a clock can symbolize a threshold where consciousness and the unconscious exchange places, signifying a type of transition in awareness. (read all at source)

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the "perfect sphere" - some ideal or concept of wholeness Cayce (900-104). 2. the forces of this world as they relate to the Universal Force Cayce (900-128, A-3). 3. a whole, or well-rounded, approach to things Cayce (900-140, A-6). 4. The oneness of purpose Cayce (900-142, A-1). 5. (read all at source)

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The bedroom was symbolic of him making some very personal choices which would affect the whole of his life.
Example dream : A bed dream linked to the dreamer thinking over a very important decision. He had to decide some options for college. (read all at source)

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ancestral spirits, angel, annotator, announcer, antecedent, apparition, appearance, armhole, arrow, astral, astral spirit, attend, attendant godling, automatic pilot, avant-garde, backseat driver, Baedeker, banshee, be the bellwether, beacon, bell cow, bellwether, blaze, blaze the trail, blowhole,... (read all at source)

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Dreams of apparel, denote that enterprises will be successes or failures, as the apparel seems to be whole and clean, or soiled and threadbare. To see fine apparel, but out of date, foretells that you will have fortune, but you will scorn progressive ideas. (read all at source)

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It is symbolic of wholeness.
To see your arms as the emphasis in your dream, indicates your nurturance side and your ability to reach out and care for people. Alternatively, it may represent the struggles and challenges in your life. (read all at source)

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If one sees the whole world in the dark and the moon is still radiant in the skies in a dream, it means that the governor will temporarily relinquish his entire duties to his chief minister or secretary, and that thieves and robbers will cluster around them for business. (read all at source)

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The whole concept of lucid dreaming is practicing and strengthening your mind to become more aware of your surroundings. Stretching your awareness through out your day will help you gain more control when your dreams and how to control them. (read all at source)

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A circle in Jungian terms represents the self and wholeness. It can also be a symbol of protection or social connections, as in a circle of friends. If you're 'circling around something,' caution is indicated. (read all at source)

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well i dreamt the other day that i was stuck face down in a thick dark watery bog and that it was pulling me in, i dont know why i had the dream but the whole day i was put in a really foul tempered mood and i knew i was in it the whole day but i couldnt help being like it,... (read all at source)

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It also denotes human kindness, wholesomeness, and compassion for new acquaintances. To dream that you are drinking milk, signifies domestic bliss and inner nourishment. It may also imply your need to strengthen your ties and relationships with others. (read all at source)

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The whole, infinity, Collective Unconsciousness. The circle symbolizes infinity, the circle of life and the eternal unknown. You, the dreamer, may have come to a greater degree of spiritual awareness, so the dream could be spiritual in nature. Carl Jung called all circular images a "mandala. (read all at source)

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An apple can be a symbol of wholeness and completion. In a dream, an apple can represent the completion of a task or the integration of different aspects of your personality. If you dream of an apple that has been bitten, something in your life may have been interrupted. (read all at source)

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It is symbolic of wholeness, completeness, and unity of the self. The clock is a mandala that revolves and it may represent immortality. On the lighter side, when you are dreaming about a clock, time is an obvious issue. (read all at source)

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In China a fish served whole is a symbol of prosperity.
The fish, particularly the salmon is associated with knowledge and intelligence. By eating the salmon it is believed you gain wisdom and knowledge. Dreaming of your mother could mean your consicience is bothering you about something. (read all at source)

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" We were in the lowest part of the whole house. Then I found myself outside. I saw clearly that the tabernacle had many buildings inside it. It was built to full- fill many needs and purposes. I looked at the building that was burning, at what appeared to be the shape of a gymnasium. (read all at source)

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It is argued by the Materialist, with some degree of strength, that the healthy man does not dream, This is, perhaps, true, in a way, but the whole man comprises the past, present, and future. The past and future always embrace more of the conditions that surround him than the present. (read all at source)

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Luke 11:34 "The light of the body is the eye: therefore when your eye is single, your whole body also is full of light; but when [your eye] is evil, your body also [is] full of darkness.
35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in you be not darkness. (read all at source)

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The birth of a human child is a universal symbol for good news, happiness, and/or a whole new life. The birth of twins or triplets indicates wealth. If the birth involved friendly animals such as dogs, cats, horses or dolphins, then allies who will be of great assistance to you soon surround you. (read all at source)

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A pair of cymbals in a dream represents two halves of a whole that are interconnected with one another and are dependent on one another. They can represent two people in a relationship - This can be a romantic or sexual relationship but it does not have to be. (read all at source)

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It can also mean that someone you know is not telling you the whole truth. To see others kissing in your dream suggests that you are too involved in their personal lives and relationships. You need to give them some space. (read all at source)

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To see a candlestick bearing a whole candle, could denote that a bright future lies before you filled with health, happiness and loving companions. If empty, the reverse.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:... (read all at source)

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As a circle, the ring is associated with eternity; wholeness; the mandale. Has someone been running rings around you? As jewelry it can represent affiliation (a class ring); promise or romance; commitment. (read all at source)

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If you dream that you are job hunting, and, in your dream, feel discouraged about the whole job situation, then your luck will be excellent for finding a job, or for advancement in the one you have. (read all at source)

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A bed which fills the whole room means that the dreamer awards sexuality too much significance in his life. The reverse is true when the bed is too small or too narrow.
Bees signify pleasant and profitable engagements. (read all at source)

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Carl Jung saw it as an image representing the self and the wholeness within us. It expresses the fully Individuated person. It is said that the Mandala can be read like a dream so as to get some idea of one's progress in the march toward wholeness. (read all at source)

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The following dream is very interesting and for me proves my whole theory. Many dreams are linked to recent events and if something big happens to you then it will very likely cause a dream. (read all at source)

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To see a ladle in your dream represents the happiness and sense of wholeness you will experience from being around children.
To see a broken ladle in your dream bodes of misery and frustrations in your love life. (read all at source)

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To see a garland in your dream, represents wholeness and completeness. To dream that you are wearing a garland, suggests a... Continue dream interpretation - Garland"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Garlic... (read all at source)

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Toys To see toys in dreams, foretells family joys, if whole and new, but if broken, death will rend your heart with sorrow. To see children at play with toys, marriage of a happy nature is indicated. (read all at source)

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Arch. Your efforts are in the right direction if the arch was whole and/or attractive, but if it appeared to be broken, or damaged in any way, a new line of endeavor is suggested.
Arrest. You'll have sharp disappointment followed closely by an unexpected joy. (read all at source)

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Houses can host many common dream symbols, but the building as a whole represents your inner psyche. Each room or floor can symbolize different emotions, memories and interpretations of meaningful events. (read all at source)

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To dream that you pull one of your teeth and lose it, and feeling within your mouth with your tongue for the cavity, and failing to find any, and have a doctor for the same, but to no effect, leaving the whole affair enveloped in mystery,... (read all at source)

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They cannot be analyzed in detail or as a whole. In mathematics we have nine digits from which an infinite variety of combinations may be formed and solved by the deduction of the mind. Through them we may measure time, space, quality and quantity. (read all at source)

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21. Sex symbolizes unification of opposites, oneness, marriage, a creative act, a longing to be whole. It can also represent fear or power depending on your feelings about the dream when you awoke. (read all at source)

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HOUSE : You drive a car, but typically you LIVE in a house/apartment. Dreams about a HOUSE symbolize a larger aspect of your Self, and the aspects of Self which make the whole. Each room is said to symbolize a different aspect of your Self; for example:... (read all at source)

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A dream featuring a circle or a circular object is a symbol of the inner self, harmony, completeness or perfection. It can also symbolize the universe or the whole world. ..Read more →
CITY ... (read all at source)

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Practice using both sides of your brain—analytic and organizational as well as creative and intuitive. It makes dream interpretation easier. Balanced, whole brain use is optimal. (read all at source)

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For example, if you dream that you are looking at food infested with insects, it could mean that you need to re-evaluate your life to see if things and people in it are really healthy and wholesome. (read all at source)

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But when I started to walk away I noticed the whole area was filled with a bunch of different types of snakes. There where a lot of little snakes I remember one specifically was tiny with red and black stripes, I almost stepped on it and it scared me but I don't think it was going to hurt me. (read all at source)

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Most importantly, prophetic dreams have a strong feeling associated with them that pervades the whole dream. If you have prophetic dreams you will already be aware of this feeling. Any dreams that do not have that feeling can be interpreted as per this book. (read all at source)

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An examination in a dream symbolizes a time for reflection and evaluation. The subject of the test will give further insight into the theme for reflection. For example, a medical exam will indicate the need to identify attitudes producing wholeness or dis-ease. (read all at source)

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These feelings about your body may be communicating how you perceive yourself or how you think others perceive you, for better or worse. Often, how you think about your body reflects how you think about yourself as a whole person. (read all at source)

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