Wet dreams are dreams normally had by teenagers in which the normal hormonal desires result in dreams about erotic situations - and a bodily discharge. (read all at source)
Wet Dream
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
About 50% of boys will experience wet dreams. You can't do anything about them! Masturbation reduces the wet dreams for most boys but there is no guarantee about that outcome!... (read all at source)
Wet dream tears with a handkerchief - to grief.
Dream Interpretation birthdays of January, February, March, April
Wet - to tears. (read all at source)
This might have been a wet dream, something that is common, but this dream can also symbolize something. If you showed someone your genitals you are in danger of getting a bad reputation. Deformed genitals are a warning against casual sex. Unusual genitals mean increased popularity. (read all at source)
Decide Upon the Life You Want to Live
Painting tips -- DIY Moisture-Retaining Palette
Wet Dreams - Are Wet Dreams Normal? Information and Resources for Teens on Wet Dreams
Decorate a Bathroom on a Budget - How to Decorate a Bathroom on a Budget... (read all at source)