West - End (as in the end of the day); grace; death; last (Exodus 10:19)
Luke 12:54 'And he said to the people, when you see a cloud (of glory) rise out of the west (grace of God), straightaway ye say, There cometh a shower (blessing); and so it is.'... (read all at source)
Going west can symbolize how you are exploring the ‘frontier’ of your potential. Associated with what is modern and driven to achieve success, the direction of west can point to these qualities within you.
Whale... (read all at source)
West asks to reconcile internal opposites to be balanced. These are often contradictions between duty and desire, emotion and reason or between incompatible goals. West also symbolizes the opposition between east, death, the end of an action, or of a business relationship.
Traditionally:... (read all at source)
West (see directions)
Whale-symbolic of running from God, or being devoured by a large problem, Jon. 1:17
Wheat-symbolic of a true believer, legitimacy, or God’s word, Matt. 13:24... (read all at source)
West arrow: Inner Seeing (introspection)
This wheel instructs the beholder how to learn more of themselves and the universe. All arrows pointing in the center symbolizes an attainment of enlightenment when all four directions of thought are culminated together. (read all at source)
West: The evening of ones life; the ending of things; new lands or territory. (read all at source)
west; for intuition, inner knowledge, emotion, and autumn
This symbolism is also seen in the Native American medicine wheel. In Christian tradition, the cross can mean resurrection as it does with the Egyptian Ankh.
crown: To be chosen or recognized. (read all at source)
North, south, east, west, NNW, SSE, etc. can represent:
A specific direction on your life path
A place, person, or event that is north of you in the dream
A place, person, or event that is north of you in real life
Something you associate with the North... (read all at source)
It also sets in the west and is the Evening Star. Due to the way this plant travels across the sky, it is often a symbol of death and rebirth. It is associated with the sun and considered to be the sun's messenger and an intermediary between the sun and mankind (between mortal and the impartial). (read all at source)
If you think that the lightning flashes in the south, the luck will leave you temporarily; If the south-west, expect offensive successful days; if in the west, then eventually you will have a better chance of success; While in the north, then to achieve their goals you must first remove obstacles;... (read all at source)
Lady Guinevere 5 years ago from West Virginia Level 5 Commenter
I had this dream the other night while waiting for my reading and it has alot to do with the things that are in the reaading.......... (read all at source)
It is interesting to see that dragons signify good luck for the East, but bad luck for the West. I am struck by these opposites and as I relate them to my instincts, I realize that perhaps I need to look at my bad, or dark, thoughts and feelings as well as the good ones. (read all at source)
I had a dream my sister and her husband were out here on the west coast visiting me and my mom and daughter. We went to a later movie than expected (because I was running late), and they ended up missing their flight. (read all at source)
I just moved from all the way on the west boarder of indiana to the east boarder of ohio. things were not as I was told they would be when I was asked to move here. it has been rough. but that is the past and things are getting better. acually, they are better. (read all at source)
From there, I went to the top of some rocks that were higher on the Island and I looked down towards the west and saw two small boats. They were saying, the one to the other, "what would happen when the waves from the sea and rocks of the sea crash upon the island. (read all at source)
She had been living in the west and now she had moved back to her home country which was very conservative. The gang in the dream symbolised the massive cultural pressure that women faced to behave properly. (read all at source)
Zephyr is an ancient name associated with the West Wind, wind gods and gentle breezes. In the Botticelli painting The Birth of Venus, she is blown gently ashore upon a shell by the Zephyr wind-gods. (read all at source)
In the West, dragons are considered to be dangerous creatures that need to be destroyed. As far as dream symbols go, the dragon may represent the enormous power in your unconscious. It could symbolize repressed unconscious material, including fear. (read all at source)
The surveyors were being yelled at because they surveyed it wrong and the curb on the west side of the driveway was 1.8 feet lower than the curb on the east side of the driveway. I walked up the driveway and there was a Mexican man standing next to a new sewer. (read all at source)
Mining is still a strong profession, but sometimes dreams of mining will be about old timey mines such as during the wild west of other mining booms. When you have a dream where you are transported to the past, the first thought is that this could be a dream about a past life. (read all at source)
trees crucifix patio willow caught unknown bodies slap light fruit ticket belongings wheels tomb position stillborn arguement iguana trailer west paranormal spirits breasts sharks planning friendly womb with anymore motorcycle
Web 2.0 Searches... (read all at source)
**See The Meaning In Action: "Spaceship In The Old West" & "End Of The World"
To see the ace of spades in your dream, symbolizes spontaneity, mischievous, and/or heartlessness. It also represents authority and extreme competitiveness. You are afraid of losing. (read all at source)
If one sees a ruler having two horns in a dream, it means that such a ruler will control interests throughout the East and the West. A horn in a dream also represents a relative from whom one can draw benefits. (read all at source)
My Interview Tomorrow: Did Tantra Influence the West?
Tomorrow, Saturday, May 12, I'll be on the Forbidden America Internet Radio Show With host Steve McManus It begins at 11:00 p.m. Eastern (8:00... (read all at source)
Four: World; earth; creation; creative work; four winds; four seasons; four corners of the earth; rule and reign over the earth; global implications such as east, west, north, south; territorial specific realm implications. (Gen. 2: 10; 41: 34; Rev. 5: 9; 7: 1, 9; 13: 7; Is. 58: 6-10; Ez. (read all at source)
A few years ago a person whom I will designate as A related a dream to me as follows: I take no interest in pugilism or pugilists, but I saw, in a dream, every detail of the Corbett and Fitzsimmons mill, four days before it took place out West. (read all at source)
to me as follows: "I take no interest in pugilism or pugilists, but I saw, in a dream, every detail of the Corbett and Fitzsimmons mill, four days before it took place out West. (read all at source)
Matthew 24:27 "For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines right into the west; so also will the coming of the Son of man be." (GMR)... (read all at source)
So you hear all these news reports, you worry about the minute chance of it affecting a normal person in the same way that people drive daily without fear but obsess about being the 1 out of 400 people that will die from West Nile Virus. We tend to tune out the daily, real dangers. (read all at source)
Dreaming of going west, represents fulfillment, opportunities, and growth. Alternatively, it may symbolize an ending of something, death, or old age. (read all at source)
A dream featuring the west implies that you are putting focus on your creative side or hoping for reward in some part of your life. It can also suggest the need for ..Read more →
WHALE ... (read all at source)
One West African group, the Ashanti, take dreams so seriously that they would allow a husband to take legal action against another man if that man had an erotic dream about his wife. (read all at source)