Wedding Ring dream meaning

Wedding Ring dreams by DreamMean
For a woman to dream her wedding ring is bright and shining, foretells that she will be shielded from cares and infidelity.

If it should be lost or broken, much sadness will come into her life through death and uncongeniality.

To see a wedding ring on the hand of a friend, or some other person, denotes that you will hold your vows lightly and will court illicit pleasure.

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- also see Dream Dictionary: Wedding Ring
To dream of a ring is a sign of eternity. While there are instances where relationship connotations are valid, a ring, for the most, is symbolic of never ends; the circle/ring is eternal in that it has no beginning or end. (read all at source)

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Wedding Ring
To dream of a wedding ring suggests that you would be shielded from cares and infedelity.
Weeping... (read all at source)

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Wedding Ring
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
For a woman dreaming her wedding ring is bright and shining, foretells that she will be shielded from cares and infidelity. If it should be lost or broken, much sadness will come into her life through death and uncongeniality. (read all at source)

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wedding ring
The idea of a commitment, whether romantic or non-romantic.
See also: wedding ring (jewelry) engagement... (read all at source)

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Seeing your own wedding ring means protection from pain and hurt. Seeing a wedding ring on another's hand means your unfaithfulness, which may lead to illicit behavior. (read all at source)

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Signs of Being Gay
Wedding Ring Ceremony Vows - Sample Wedding Vows to Say During the Ring Exchange - Wedding Ring Ceremony Vows
Budget Engagement Rings - How to Buy an Affordable Engagement Ring
Your True Tales - June 2003 - Page 2 - Weird Dream Come True
Dream-Symbols & Meanings... (read all at source)

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Wedding Ring
To see your own wedding ring, signifies protection from pain and hurt. To see a wedding ring on another's hand, signifies your unfaithfulness, which may lead to illicit behaviour.
To see a wedge in your dream, means trouble and possible separation from loved ones. (read all at source)

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Example dream : A missing wedding ring linked to the dreamer having doubts about her marriage. Her husband was not considering her feelings about some family members - she thought that this was not a true marriage unless he took her feelings into consideration. (read all at source)

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She had the wedding ring with her which she then one day gave to a girl who was about to get married. But on the wedding day that she lost her husband. The women in grey blamed it all on that platinum ring. (read all at source)

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If you dream that you have lost the gold jewelry, it warns you that it will soon happen unpleasant event, if you lost your wedding ring, it is particularly frustrating because it may portend illness or separation from a loved one. (read all at source)

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see also: ring (jewelry) agreement breaking an agreement wedding ring appointment proposal getting married
categories: Events
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)

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For example, if you lose your wedding ring while riding on a roller coaster this can indicate being too carefree with your emotions, having too much fun, or that there is too much excitement and you need some down time with your partner. (read all at source)

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Dreams of brides symbolize purity and innocence. Also see "Groom", "Wedding Cake", "Wedding Dress" and "Wedding Ring"
To dream of being a bridesmaid represents a new romance. (read all at source)

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As we spoke he told me that he always went there looking too. I've never dreamed of this before. I am married now to another man but when I awoke from this dream, my wedding rings were off, under my pillow. What do you think this means????? (read all at source)

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Wedding ring
In general:
Originally, the wedding ring was a symbol of total, all of capturing love. His form is perfect, it has no beginning and no end. As a vision, it provides a connection to eternity. The loss dreamed of wedding ring can refer to marital problems. (read all at source)

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Wedding Ring
A wedding ring can signify a union or a promise.
Wildcats ... (read all at source)

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