Calliope in Greek and Roman mythology, the Muse of eloquence and epic poetry; an organ- like instrument with a set of steam whistles producing musical notes. What, or who, has inspired you to wax poetic? (read all at source)
Wax Lily
Medicine Wheel:
Key words: Tasty; originally; endangered; healing; associated with the feminine, cathartic, antiseptic, purity, northern soul path. (read all at source)
Wax Taper
Dream Dictionary
To dream of lighting wax tapers, denotes that some pleasing occurrence will bring you into association with friends long absent. (read all at source)
Candle Wax
To see candle wax in your dream implies that you are taking on too much responsibility or trying to tackle too many tasks at one time. You should do a little at a time or you will find yourself physically and emotionally exhausted. (read all at source)
Wax Taper
To dream of lighting wax tapers, interpret that some pleasing occurrence will bring you into association with friends long absent.
To blow them out, signals disappointing times, and sickness will forestall expected opportunities of meeting distinguished friends. (read all at source)
Wax-symbolic of a faint heart, Ps 22:14
Wedding-a symbol of new beginnings, joy, and happiness, Matt. 25:10
Wedding cake-symbolic of matrimony and unending love... (read all at source)
To see wax in your dream indicates that there is too much activity going on in your life. You may need to slow down and take a breather. Alternatively, it may symbolize the passage of time that has long passed. To see dripping wax in your dream, represents your hidden passionate emotions. (read all at source)
Wax Taper
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of lighting wax tapers, denotes that some pleasing occurrence will bring you into association with friends long absent. (read all at source)
Ear Wax
To dream that you (or a doctor) are cleaning wax from your ears, suggests that others are trying to send you a message and you are refusing to hear them - you need to get real and listen up. If your ears hurt in your dream, you may soon receive unpleasant news.
Easter... (read all at source)
Wax - Easily molded; creating a new surface (identity).
Weak - Giving too much of oneslef; refusal to recognize one's self worth.
Wealth - Knolwedge, wisdom; creative powers; abitity to achieve goals. (read all at source)
A wax museum may reveal that you are dehumanizing people in relationships. This can be positive, if you have given away too much power. However, often it is a negative sign that you are treating others as objects without regard for their humanity. (read all at source)
Cand, Candace, candela, candelabra, candelabrum, candelilla, candelilla wax, Candent, Canderos, Candescence, candescent, Candicant, candid, candid camera, candida, Candida albicans, Candidacy, Candidate, Candidate gene, candidate key, candidate species, Candidateship, Candidating, Candidature,... (read all at source)
These rings were worn as a symbol of a virtuous soul - they were also used as wax seals. The ring would be dipped in warm wax then pressed against documents to seal the closure. The recipient would know the documents came from a virtuous man by the indication of the three-feather symbol in the wax. (read all at source)
Catherine Booth - A Sketch - Chapter 11 Part 2
How to detail and wax your car - Step 10 - Wax clean-up and maintenance
Automotive Questions and Answers -
Paranormal Story Archive - February 2001 - Page 31 - Guardian Spirit
Nissan Cube front view... (read all at source)
Banks may also have current day meaning based upon certain behavioral aspects of banks in the current environment that contribute to financial meltdown e.g. deceitfulness, greed and usury. These meanings are situationally specific and tend to wax and wane over time. (read all at source)