Waste dream meaning

Waste dreams by DreamMean
To dream of wandering through waste places, foreshadows doubt and failure, where promise of success was bright before you.

To dream of wasting your fortune, denotes you will be unpleasantly encumbered with domestic cares.

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A waste bin indicates your elimination system. If the waste bin is full of a particular food item, the dream is asking you to eliminate it from your diet or to seriously cut it down.
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Ribald songs, signifies gruesome and extravagant waste.
To dream that you are skating on ice, foretells that you are in danger of losing employment, or valuable articles. If you break through the ice, you will have unworthy friends to counsel you. (read all at source)

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General Meanings:
Loneliness and sadness Wasteland is often stands for a lonely and boring life, but points out that the dreamer is ascribable with his own rudeness and impoliteness. To run in the wasteland, this signifies that the person is free from everything. (read all at source)

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waste not using something appropriately; grief over things not accomplished; wasting your breath over a situation; waste not, want not; wasting words with someone. (See waist) Who is wasting their life? (read all at source)

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Gold - a waste of money.
Dream interpretation from A to Z
To dream of gold - to the falsehood and fallacies in any form. Hold gold in their hands - for prosperity and good luck in all. (read all at source)

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A leak mean wasted work and energy, or that it is someone in you cannot trust.
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"I guess it's a waste of time really isn't it because when I see him instead of just enjoying my time with him I worry. I just want to be happy."
"I think you have received your guidance, Stuart."
He left happier than I have EVER seen him. (read all at source)

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Why should the mind waste it's valuable time and resources on analysing situations which are ideal and providing us no stress. Instead our minds work through the various negative situations in our lives and try to assess what is the best way to proceed. (read all at source)

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involvement, irrupt, Jacksonian epilepsy, jawing, jeremiad, jingoism, jump, jump to it, killing, la guerre, land on, larval epilepsy, laryngeal epilepsy, laryngospasm, lash, latent epilepsy, launch forth, launch into, lay about, lay about one, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, lay on, lay waste,... (read all at source)

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He has also a physical plane, diversified by oceans, lakes, rivers, fertile valleys, waste places and mountains. All are in cosmic interdependency as they are in the macrocosm. Here rests the mystery of being—the grandest of subjects!... (read all at source)

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Excreting solid intestinal waste in a dream means that one will spend large amounts of money in caringforhis health. Having diarrhea and defecating in public in a dream means that one should be careful about exposing himself or becoming subject to a scandal or saying dirty words. (read all at source)

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Fecal material is the waste materials of one's digestive system so the dream means you're being forced to experience something again. Over and over. Maybe there has been someone's bad behavior in life that has given you cause for concern. (read all at source)

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Dreams that focus on the elimination of bodily waste are a message about release. Perhaps you are holding onto resentment or unproductive thoughts that need to be 'eliminated. (read all at source)

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Example dream : Fish going to waste symbolised the dreamers wish to interest more people in his ideas. The fish going to waste linked to the interest from people that was going untapped. He recognised his need to appeal to them... (read all at source)

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Furthermore, the characteristics for this Native American animal symbol never wastes time, rather he/she strikes while the iron is hot, and takes action in what must be done. Ever persistent, and always taking the initiative, the Falcon is a gem of a personality to have for projects or team sports. (read all at source)

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To come under the influence of absinthe in dreams, denotes that you will lead a merry and foolish pace with innocent companions, and waste your inheritance in prodigal lavishness on the siren, selfish fancy. (read all at source)

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To dream of being in a laboratory, could denote great energies wasted in unfruitful enterprises when you might succeed in some more practical business. (read all at source)

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Whether it is a leaky pipe or a bottle of soda, any type of a leak is usually a waste of energy and resources. If you are dreaming about leaks, you may want to consider where you are wasting energy and resources ( be it in your daily life, emotional life or thinking). (read all at source)

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Laboratory: To dream of being in a laboratory, denotes great energies wasted in unfruitfulenterprises when you might succeed in some more practical business. (read all at source)

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To dream of medicine corks, denotes sickness and wasted energies. To dream of seeing a fishing cork resting on clear water, denotes success. If water is disturbed you will be annoyed by unprincipled persons. (read all at source)

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Spoiled food is a sign of waste, excess, gluttony, or mismanagement. These dreams often carry a sense of repulsion for the loss, order, or appearance of the food. Have you ever struggled with your weight, food as a comforter, or an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia? (read all at source)

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You are (she is) throwing the unused, wasted part of your potential, your life, at yourself. Perhaps you are frustrated with yourself. The open-mouthed fish head is the demanding, angry, frustrated and wasted potential you have not used--it frightens you. (read all at source)

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Popular Expressions: Youth is wasted on the young
Possible Meanings:
When you feel young, you’re vital and full of life. Just because you live for a long time doesn’t mean you’re old. What has made you recognize this fact of life? Is it time to grow old? (read all at source)

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This means that you feel time has been wasted, that there are things you still have to do that you're running out of time to do. It could be that others are pressuring you to marry, have kids, go to college, or take other steps in your life. (read all at source)

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To dream that you cut down a tree, denotes that you will waste your energy, time, and money on foolish pursuits.
To dream that you are climbing a tree, signifies a rapid rise in position.
To dream that you are under a huge tree means you will rise to a higher position. (read all at source)

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The idea of things "going down the drain" or being wasted
Flowing out or disappearing
Something being lost or gone—such as time or energy—like "water down the drain"
Movement or a process
Movement through space or across time... (read all at source)

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Speaking of watching over God's people: Deuteronomy 32:10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. (read all at source)

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For some reason we lose track of time or waste time and I tell my wife to go ahead and she gets on the plane while I attend to something. I then have to rush to the counter and am told its too late to get on. (read all at source)

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To wear or see rosettes on others while in dreams, is significant of frivolous waste of time; though you will experience the thrills of pleasure, they will bring disappointments.
To dream of using rouge, denotes that you will practice deceit to obtain your wishes. (read all at source)

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If someone hands you a file in a dream, it can mean that you need to simplify your life and avoid wasteful, unproductive activities.
A dream that you are in prison and someone smuggles you a file can mean that there is a way for you to escape from a situation that appears to be hopeless. (read all at source)

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A dream featuring decadence can suggest that you are being wasteful or reckless in some area of your life. The dream can also symbolize self-interest. If you are concerned in the dream ..Read more →
DECAY ... (read all at source)

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A hatchet seen in a dream, denotes that wanton wastefulness
will expose you to the evil designs of envious persons.
If it is rusty or broken, you will have grief over wayward people.
Hate. (read all at source)

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To see or eat cabbage in your dream, suggests that you should not waste time with petty things in your life. You live and thrive on life's challenges.
Cabin... (read all at source)

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Tray To see trays in your dream, denotes your wealth will be foolishly wasted, and surprises of unpleasant nature will shock you. If the trays seem to be filled with valuables, surprises will come in the shape of good fortune. (read all at source)

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To dream about a cannon represents that there is something pressing that you must address at the present moment. You have no time to waste or to stall in dealing with this situation. (read all at source)

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Negative: Dreaming of an auto junkyard could represent lost souls and corruption in one's life. It could also denote a wasted or wrecked ministry or personal life. (Psalm 9:17; Proverbs 9:18; Isaiah 5:14)

... (read all at source)

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To dream about beginning something in your dream, indicates that valuable time has been wasted through procrastination. You need to get on with life and put your plans into motion. (read all at source)

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To see a drain in your dream represents your need to release your emotions. Try not to hide your feelings inside. Alternatively, this dream may represent a wasted effort, or something that is draining you of energy.
Drawbridge... (read all at source)

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Clay - The ability {or inability} to shape things as you wish to. Creativity. According to Freudian perspective, clay symbolizes feces. This may mean a wasteful use of important qualities in your life.
Cleaners - The cleansing of the outer self. A need to clean up your act. (read all at source)

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Make time to work on your dreams. Dream interpretation takes time and effort—and none of your investment is wasted. (read all at source)

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It is also a prediction of financial reverses that can be staved off if you do not waste time, and keep your nose to the grindstone. Dreaming of courting, or being courted, is very bad luck, especially for a woman, as the lover she has her heart set on will never propose. See also, divorce court. (read all at source)

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A foreign country in a dream can represent something that you don't experience every day. If you dream that you travel to a foreign country and then return home, your unconscious could be warning you to be careful that any decisions that you make don't turn out to be wasteful.
Forgery ... (read all at source)

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Because the bathroom is also the place where you perform bodily functions, dreaming you are in your bathroom can mean you want to release or get rid of emotional or mental 'waste' in your mind, heart, or life. If you dream you are trying to go to the bathroom, you might need to. (read all at source)

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Stone (s): A dream of throwing stones is a sign of regret over a missed opportunity; let it be a lesson to you but don't waste energy in vain postmortems. (read all at source)

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Pawn shop trading off in a way that wastes valuable resources Cayce (900-132, A-5). Pen a way of thinking Cayce (137-73, A-1). Pencil a way of thinking Cayce (137-73, A-1). (read all at source)

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This responsibility is going to take time, money and determination to be successful, you feel you don't have to time, nor really want to put the time into it, you may feel it's redundant or a waste of time.
This looks like a life lesson. (read all at source)

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Less haste, less waste is the warning message contained in a dream of doing anything in a hurry. Anxiety and worry... Continue dream interpretation - Haste"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Hat... (read all at source)

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Feces represent those things that you no longer need, things that are currently garbage or waste and need to be discarded. This dream may represent healthy psychological progress. It may indicate that you are cleansing yourself of unnecessary and possibly hurtful attitudes, ideas, and emotions. (read all at source)

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