Wail dreams by DreamMean
A wail falling upon your ear while in the midst of a dream, brings fearful news of disaster and woe.
For a young woman to hear a wail, foretells that she will be deserted and left alone in distress, and perchance disgrace. See Weeping.
Hearing a wail in your dream, foretells fearful news and sorrow. (read all at source)
Dream " W " Wail
The interpretation of the dream "Wail"
The newest Dream Book... (read all at source)
To wail is a means people undertake to release emotions. In a dream, if we are hearing someone else wail then it is indicative that we need to become attuned to someone else's suffering. (read all at source)
To hear a wail in your dream, foretells fearful news and sorrow. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Brothel, Wail, Adventurer, Flight, Abortion, Slippers, Wolf, Shirt, Concubine, Whirlwind, Switch, Silk, Ship, Knife, Diamonds, Veil
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