visitor something coming to you; unexpected company. Who is expecting a little visitor?
vitamin need more energy; check your supplements. Who needs better nourishment? (read all at source)
To have a visitor in your dream, signifies good news will reach you. It also foretells of new conditions or changes.
To see a darkly dressed visitor, forewarns of illness or accidents that might befall on you or someone you know. (read all at source)
To have a visitor in your dream, foretells of news coming your way.
Waif... (read all at source)
"you know what, Its uncommon to have a visitor like you here, you must be sent for a reason, and because theres only one thing to do here, and you are not my replacement, I'm gonna tell you something: everytime I look into my guests life I see that many of them are not aware of the fragility of life,... (read all at source)
The idea of aliens
Strangers or people you don't know
Visitors from an area of the world other than where you live
Something in your life that seems alien, strange, or new
The unknown
A person or group you don't know or don't understand
A subconscious fears, or even curiosity... (read all at source)
Journey; wait for visitors from afar.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
(Yarn) If a woman sees herself working on a spinning wheel and quickly trying to finish her work in a dream, it means that a traveller will soon come home, or that an expected visitor will arrive. (read all at source)
The dream could display serving tea from the teapot, as well as drinking tea with visitors and sharing news since you last saw them. Anything to do with sharing implies your heart. This unity of exchange can be about communication or outer communication. (read all at source)
I remember one occasion when an old yogi was levitated in a recumbent posture about six feet above the ground in an open field, for about half an hour, while the visitors were permitted to pass sticks to and fro in the space between. (read all at source)
Phantom-a ghostly visitor is a demonic presence. A phantom can also suggest that an old issue is still lingering in your life
Pharaoh-symbolic of a hard heart and pride, Ps. 136:15
Phone-symbolic of receiving a message or needing to talk with someone in life... (read all at source)
To dream of curtains, foretells that unwelcome visitors will cause you worry and unhappiness. Soiled or torn curtains seen in a dream means disgraceful quarrels and reproaches.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:... (read all at source)
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Dream Quotes: The Hidden Power of Dreams Not rated yet
Reader Post: 'I don't know if you're familiar with Denise Linn's book, The Hidden Power of Dreams: The Mysterious World of Dreams Revealed .
I love... (read all at source)
To hear his whistle, denotes the unexpected arrival of a visitor.
If he passes without your mail, disappointment and sadness will befall you.
If you give him letters to mail, you will suffer injury through envy or jealousy. (read all at source)
If it is blood you vomit, you will find illness a hurried and unexpected visitor. You will be cast down with gloomy forebodings, and children and domesticity in general will ally to work you discomfort. (read all at source)
Please post your dreams and comments below.
Only dreams that are on this topic about aliens, space ships, visitors from outer space etc. will be included. If you have a dream with another theme please first consult on our online dream dictionary to find a suitable post. (read all at source)
To hear his whistle, denotes the unexpected arrival of a visitor.
If he passes without your mail, disappointment and sadness will befall you. (read all at source)
To dream of saddles tell you that you will receive good news and welcome visitors. It also indicates that you may take a pleasant journey that will in some manner benefit your finances. (read all at source)
To dream of playing in a gig, signifies the threat of illness or your efforts to entertain unwelcome visitors.
To see ginger in your dream, indicates security and comfort in your life. But you need to add some more excitement and variety to you life. (read all at source)
If you are riding in a spaceship, you are destined to travel far and accomplish great things. If you dream of seeing a spaceship, this indicates visitors coming from far away. (read all at source)
Superstition-based dream interpretations say that if you go on a voyage by sea, you will have an unexpected visitor, and that if you take a trip to the shore, you will receive money.
Jumping ... (read all at source)
To run a gig in your dream, you will have to forego a pleasant journey to entertain unwelcome visitors. Sickness also threatens you.
Also See Cart.
Girdle... (read all at source)
A visitor and intended caretaker of your emotions.The frog, unless deformed negatively, removes the little irritations that interfere with your intuition and responses or reactions.Is the frog doing his job properly and acting in accordance with his duties?Are the patterns overcoming the frog? (read all at source)
incense, told, avid, mysterious, believe, comprehension, steered, beau, shining, powers, permeated, proudly, visitors, stream, suddenly, splendor, crystal, directing, dream-like, navigation... (read all at source)
Hospitals really bother us a lot. We are exposed to them at many levels in our own lives and through media and entertainment. Whether you are the patient or the visitor, no one wants to be there. Yet to dream of a hospital is not uncommon. (read all at source)
Bed. A strange bed forecasts an upturn in business affairs; your own bed promises security; making a bed suggests that you should expect some unexpected visitors. (read all at source)
The information and assistance provided is simply that .. information and assistance. All of our visitors are encouraged to think for themselves, to keep an open mind, and to accept only those things that promote their free will and increase their self awareness!!... (read all at source)
If you feel that the process is a chore, consider that your subconscious may be getting you accustomed to exercise. But if working out is a pleasure and you’re already a frequent visitor to the gym, then it may be a dream to encourage you to keep going. (read all at source)
Visitor - Those aspects of yourself that visit you but do not stay with you. (read all at source)
To have a visitor is a warning dream and should be taken as such from the actions and appearance of the... Continue dream interpretation - Visitor"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Voice... (read all at source)
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Seeking an Expanded Family Symbol
What about an ancestral - family symbol that goes beyond the traditional family unit? (read all at source)
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will gather, lurid flames of lightning will flash their volatile anger; the explosive thunder will recklessly carry on its bombardment; bells will ring, strange knocking will be heard--symbols of a message--phantom forms will be seen, familiar voices will call and plead with you, unknown visitors... (read all at source)
We intend that this Dream Dictionary be used for educational purposes to help our members and visitors alike to benefit from the historical insights that can be gleaned from it and it is hoped to help with their personal investigations into dream interpretation. (read all at source)
Him, the visitor is known, this could refer to a real situation. Otherwise, trying probably a repressed personality proportion to emerge. Visitors are often understood as a warning of impending problems, especially in interpersonal relationships. If the […]... (read all at source)
I received the following email from a savvy visitor who eloquently shared with me what she believes the symbol means for her, and I think it's so good that I want to share it with all of you. (read all at source)
Teapots symbolize your heart due to the custom of drinking tea with visitors and sharing news since you last saw them. They also tend to have a half heart shaped handle. Anything to do with sharing implies your heart.
Teeth... (read all at source)
Visitors who dreamed about fire:
6 comments (leave your comment)
Saphire @ 2012-01-17 21:23:37
I had a dream that I was at a camp with friends ( Ian 22 with kids so it's unlikely I'd go to a camp) and we leave our cabin, I had a scented
Candel. (read all at source)