United states mail box dream meaning

United states mail box dreams by DreamMean
To see a United States mail box, in a dream, denotes that you are about to enter into transactions which will be claimed to be illegal.

To put a letter in one, denotes you will be held responsible for some irregularity of another.

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United States Mail Box
To see a United States mail box, in a dream, interpret that you are about to enter into transactions which will be claimed to be illegal.
To put a letter in one, interpret you will be held responsible for some irregularity of another. (read all at source)

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See also: United States Mail Box , Pail , Lamp , James A. Froude , Wafer
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:
List of Terms: Terms beginning with "A", Page 1 ... (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Postman, United States Mail Box, Butterfly, Copying
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