Submarine dream meaning

Dreamed that you served on a submarine acoustics - then the blame for the lack of contact with friends and family will be based mainly on you. You are sailing on a submarine and at this time there is dying acoustic - dreaming this story to a loss of communication with the person that you need. (read all at source)

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The submarine is a symbol of exploring thoughts and feelings below the surface of consciousness. Any type of vehicle that goes below the Water, shows how you are moving to navigate difficult feelings. (read all at source)

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Submarine - undercover and active, but not seen by many; a behind the scenes ministry, hidden ministry
Subway - undercover and active, but not seen by many; a behind the scenes ministry, hidden ministry
Stagecoach - rough, difficult ride; old way of doing something (good or bad)... (read all at source)

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I was on a fishing boat which kinda became a submarine and i was trying to catch up with and board a cruise liner. There was another fishing boat with a more experienced skipper trying to help me. (read all at source)

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Seeing a submarine in your dream indicates that you are cautiously exploring your emotions and examining your unconscious feelings. You still remain guarded about certain emotional issues. Alternatively, the submarine indicates that you need to adapt a different perspective and understanding. (read all at source)

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submarine feeling enclosed and surrounded by emotion; going deep down into things. Who is sinking in deep emotions? (read all at source)

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dream interpretation
meaning of dream
All vehicles appear to symbolize the way that we maneuver, or get through, a segment of our life's journey. A submarine is a powerful moving machine that travels through deep waters. Deep waters represent our emotions and our unconscious. (read all at source)

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submarine: A way of exploring the unconscious or the depth
of your feelings.
suicide: Are you killing some aspect of yourself? Note: if this... (read all at source)

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Image Gallery of Horses whose Names Start with -S-
Transmission0 - Memory Of A Dream Review
Las Vegas Wranglers - Hockey in Las Vegas
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage at Disneyland pictures- Photo gallery of the Submarine ride at the California park. (read all at source)

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A submarine is a better dream than some other seagoing boat. The submarine symbolizes your own power to delve seriously into your subconscious and also work in the real life. Additionally, as you are protected by the submarine, you may sense safety regarding diving deeper into the depths of the mind. (read all at source)

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