Steam dream meaning

Steam leaking from a valve or steam pipe is a warning to take care of your high blood pressure.
Left... (read all at source)

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In general:
Steamer, the ship that lets off steam, stands for the own unrest, that the journey of life might go into uncharted waters. The smoke from the chimney cloaked in a sense the future, but only courage, every trip goes again - hopefully happy - to end. (read all at source)

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Anger or other urgent emotion
Energy or power
A by-product of a process or event
Fogginess or lack of mental clarity... (read all at source)

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Seeing or hearing steam in your dream indicates your emotional state regarding an issue or situation. It may indicate that you are headstrong and read to proceed forth on an issue. It may also indicate that you are angry with someone or something. (read all at source)

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The condensation that emerges from heat portrays how emotions that are not easily expressed are coming forward in the form of anger. As pressure rises, this energy finds expression in the only way it can.
Sterilize... (read all at source)

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Of steam - to anger, envy, due to a lack of high, in your understanding of the material conditions. Steam coming - you face an emotional explosion, fraught with stroke and myocardial. "Let off steam" and try to look at life philosophically. Boiling kettle promises you a happy married life. (read all at source)

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While many of us are attracted to Steampunk because of the aesthetic, is there more to the The Steampunk Tarot Deck than tarot dressed up in extremely awesome clothing? Can a "Steampunk" tarot be more than a novelty deck? (read all at source)

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Messages get written in steam and sometimes you will see things in the mirrors that you normally would not see become apparent. Dreams sometimes will use a mirror as a window. (read all at source)

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I didn't need a sacred pipe to remind me of WBCWs timeless wisdom when I saw that Bison framed against the silvery tendrils of its steamed breath. It was very clear to me, in that moment, majesty truly exists. (read all at source)

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A lady goes, in a dream, to visit her husband on a distant steamer, and her husband really receives this visit, which is seen by a third person.
A magnetized lady sees and describes the interior of the body of her dying mother; what she said is confirmed by the autopsy. (read all at source)

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kettle feeling pressured, boiling mad; needing to 'blow off steam'; someone is always blaming others for their problems; needing to relax and think things over before taking any action. Who needs to put their feet up and have a nice, hot cup of tea? (read all at source)

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Water is Boiling/Hot - Means your emotions are running high and you need to let of some steam. You might have reached your boiling point in a situation. (read all at source)

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Obviously, abandoning all responsibility is not a wise thing to do. However, it's possible that you've been feeling the pressure of being the older one a bit too much lately. Surely there's some way you can blow off some steam safely - kick back and act like a kid once in a while. (read all at source)

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They may point out goals to be achieved or are a simple way to let out steam. The game in your dream could also represent "the game of life." This is not an original thought on my part, but it deserves attention and consideration. (read all at source)

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The person's day-to-day life may be emotionally sterile and sensually barren, but the dream life is full of eroticism and steamy sexual encounters. By paying attention to your dreams you can learn about your needs and desires and perhaps discover ways to make your life more sensual if necessary. (read all at source)

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Now if you look at the ship as a form of ministry, there will be times for rest and 'dropping anchor' but when the Lord wants you to move on to the next phase, you need to hoist that anchor and move on. At such times we release the ministry in the spirit, hoist those sails and move full steam ahead!... (read all at source)

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Example dream : Her son needing to calm down in a dream linked to his real life need to calm down - he was too excitable.
Example dream : A girl trying to calm down and tell someone her pain symbolised the dreamers own need to calm down and let off steam after a series of arguments with her... (read all at source)

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Serving plates or kitchen utensils that are made from dried pumpkin skin in a dream represent beautiful, humorous and noble women. Eating a pumpkin curry dish in a dream means distress, sadness and sorrow. Eating a steamed pumpkin without spices in a dream may mean earnings. (Also see Food). (read all at source)

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Is it a way of letting off steam? How you feel when you wake up will help you determine whether this is the case . a lightness of heart is a good indicator. (read all at source)

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