Spur dream meaning

Spur dreams by DreamMean
To dream of wearing spurs, denotes that you will engage in some unpleasant controversy.

To see others with them on, foretells that enmity is working you trouble.

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rendezvous, ring, rout, ruck, run, run against, rush, rush along, rush through, salon, satiate, saturate, scamper, scores, scramble, scroll, scurry, scuttle, seethe, set, shake, shoulder, shove, shut off, shut out, shut tight, soak, solidify, soundboard, spate, speed, speed along, speed up, spur,... (read all at source)

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Find the meaning in Gematria for 'spur'
To dream that spies are harassing you, denotes dangerous quarrels and uneasiness. To dream that you are a spy, denotes that you will make unfortunate ventures.
Find more dreams containing 'spy'... (read all at source)

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This should come as no surprise to you, having been through a recent breakup - if that doesn't spur some violent and uncontrollable emotions, then nothing will. So, I see this dream, as a whole, as representing what you've just been through in waking life. (read all at source)

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Example: This would not be so hard to bear, if another part of my nature were not so much given to dreams and hopes, often of an impossibly romantic nature. My hopes spur me on to activity, efforts to achieve some impractical dream,... (read all at source)

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- "it was a hasty examination - he should have taken his time"
- "he is so impatient and irritable"
- "we had no time to mess about"
- "I did it so quickly"
- "think about it first!"
- "he is so hot headed"
- "it was an impulse buy"
- "it was a spur of the moment thing"... (read all at source)

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Holding a fist in a dream means abstaining from performing one's obligatory prayers. Punching someone in a dream also means using base and ignoble words in a fight between believers, or it could mean revenge, indebtedness, a court appeal, a summon or a lawsuit. (Also see Spur). (read all at source)

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Good reputation if sit on it - When you are sitting in the tree in your dream, announces that your reputation is enhanced and it raises according to your work or efforts;
New start if sit under - The dream brings you unexpected message will inspire and spur you to start new and better work... (read all at source)

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