Sounds dream meaning

These sounds are sometimes just for us, other characters in the dream may not be hearing them or responding to them at all. Sometimes, the message is clear to others, but obscure to us. (read all at source)

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Category: Sounds
Echo (phenomenon)
In general: Sometimes appears to echo in a dream, when a sound from the environment, which is in sleep not consciously perceived, is incorporated into the dream events, then it is of no importance. (read all at source)

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When the time comes that those things no longer dominate our life we hear the sounds of the soul. Our true inner self. This may be frighting and fear overcomes us. Retirement is a good thing where we now can find ourselves and uncover who we are. (read all at source)

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Sounds like you have been having a rough time of it financially LG, I sure hope things start to look up for you soon, especially with Christmas just around the corner too. Glad the dream meaning made sense though:)
Lady Guinevere 3 years ago from West Virginia Level 5 Commenter... (read all at source)

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It sounds like you may have been wounded (maybe twice) by something. Your son might represent your vulnerability. You are calling to the authorities for help but you are getting no answer. (read all at source)

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The sounds of struggle came from me - an animal struggling to be released. Then slowly the sounds of struggle became a torrent of curses and swearing. (read all at source)

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Echo - sounds disagree with your opinion.
Hear an echo in a dream - portends that you came the sad times. Serious illness will force you to quit your job, and your friends will leave you in a difficult moment. (read all at source)

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Bathing sounds like a very positive term. We say that someone is 'bathed in glory'. Bathing generally suggests that you are trying to relax. Perhaps the dream captures you when you are thinking through something that has just happened. (read all at source)

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To hear the sounds of a frog in your dream, foretells that your most strenuous efforts will not bring desired results.
To see a giraffe in your dream, serves to give you a second thought of your actions and to rethink the consequences. (read all at source)

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A Voice that Sounds Like Thunders or Causes Earthquakes
- This means that there is power in the words that you speak. Sometimes, a voice like thunder is God's voice. When thunder comes out of your own mouth, it can mean that you speak by the Holy Spirit.
... (read all at source)

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You hear strange sounds that scare you.
Exercise caution with new people you meet.
The dream relates to negativity.
The swan is hurt in someway.
The dream involved fear, or things beyond the obvious. (read all at source)

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If the voice sounds familiar (even if you cant see them) it may be that someone in your waking life has been trying to get your attention but, for whatever reason, you've not been taking any notice. (read all at source)

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Under embarrassed, I realized that I am too ashamed to tell my supervisor that I hate the office because it sounds so petty. When I looked up meeting, I realized what was bothering me about my new office. (read all at source)

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Hearing sounds in your dreams can be looked at from a spiritual point of view. Nice sounds are usually positive symbols. Some may say that in your dream state you have traveled to other higher and more spiritual plains. (read all at source)

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Looking up "To Dream" in the dictionary it will state that its a combination of cycle of sounds, thoughts, images channelling through our mind when we sleep. (read all at source)

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Are you walking through it leisurely, taking in the sights and sounds? If so, it may indicate that you’re enjoying life’s bounty at the moment.Who are you in the garden with? Are you enjoying a prosperous and joyous time with this person/people? (read all at source)

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Zoos are also connected with chaos and being out of control, a cacophony of sounds and babble. If your zoo dream doesn't focus on any particular animals and is just a wild mixture of noisy animals, it could reflect a need for peace and quiet if the dream is unpleasant. (read all at source)

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Xander @ 2010-09-16 20:52:42
That sounds to me like when Satan used a serpent to trick Adam and Eve, then God cursed the serpent by taking away his legs.
So maybe you've been tricked into doing evil things, but now the one who tricked you will be cursed for it. (read all at source)

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For example, a dream of seeing the letters IRS can symbolize worries about money. You should also think about the sounds of the letters in the abbreviation and of their shapes as well. Do the letters or their sounds remind you of anything that you unconscious could be trying to communicate? (read all at source)

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An opening is exactly what it sounds like - you are being asked to create an opening in your life for the subject matter of the dream. Doors are the most common symbolic opening in dreams.
Opera... (read all at source)

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Sleep disorder where the individual talks or emits loud sounds while asleep.
Also called sleep-talking.
See also: Hair , Rage , Wail , Obituary , Observatory
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)

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Keeping a specific coin in your pocket and visualizing it as a seed, growing into many more coins sounds trite, but it can to get the money ball rolling. (read all at source)

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Seeing and listening to an expert on this instrument shows you will achieve your greatest ambitions with honer and accolades. Unpleasant sounds from it show discord in your life that should be taken care of immediately before it gets worse.
X (marks the spot)... (read all at source)

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Since dreams have an uncanny way of breaking through your defensive barriers, often a homonym or 'play on words' will be used. A homonym is a word that sounds like one thing when it is actually tricking you into exploring another. In this way, dreams have clever ways of ‘tripping you up. (read all at source)

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The sleeping mind is not only supersensitive as to existing external sounds and light, but it frequently sees hours and days ahead of the waking mind. (read all at source)

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The mind loses its reason or will in sleep, but a super-sensitive perception is awakened, and, as it regains consciousness from sleep, the sound of a knock on the wall may be magnified into a pistol shot. The sleeping mind is not only super-sensitive as to existing external sounds and light,... (read all at source)

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I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met me as I passed along. It was light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me; but where were all the people who were grieving as if their hearts would break? (read all at source)

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To dream of aggresive birds (if they were attacking you, or killing people, in your dream) is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice on who you know in your waking life that could remind you of a bird, or who has a name that sounds like a bird's name - this is the person to watch... (read all at source)

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There have been times when I have dreamed that dead bodies kept coming out a coffin! While that sounds like a gruesome dream, the interpretation was actually that there were issues I had already died to in my life, that I was allowing to resurrect again. (read all at source)

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As crazy as that sounds, it is true. For example, you may dream of having sex with a friend to which you have no attraction. But, this friend probably has some traits you would admire in a lover, so your mind is merely trying out these qualities in a sexual scenario. (read all at source)

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Alternatively, it may suggest that you are taking major steps toward some goal. Dreaming that you are catching a frog means your carelessness concerning your health. Hearing the sounds of a frog in your dream means that you visit with friends will not accomplish anything that you wanted it to. (read all at source)

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To hear the sounds of keys rattling, indicates that you have the right attitude toward life. You are heading in the right direction and asking all the right questions in the process. It is also a sign of decisive action.
Keyhole... (read all at source)

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To see broken keys in your dream, signifies many quarrels and possibly a break-up. To hear the sounds of keys rattling, indicates that you have the right attitude toward life. You are heading in the right direction and asking all the right questions in the process. (read all at source)

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learning the lesson is like forcing your soul to a fate similar to the mythical greek god named Sisyphus (thanks, Leah!) who was doomed to keep rolling a boulder uphill for eternity, only to watch it roll back down & have to repeat the same tedious hard labor again & again. That sounds like... (read all at source)

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