Size dream meaning

Dreaming about the size of something, represents the importance we attach to objects and person. It also relates to the degree of power you are exerting and the power others have on you. (read all at source)

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The relative size of something in a dream—for example, if it seems larger or smaller than you'd expect—can have significant meaning. Size can represent:... (read all at source)

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When something appears in its unnatural size, it suggests how whatever the symbol represents is growing out of proportion or is moving toward being deficient. Life can teach you about maintaining balance and these types of dreams will reveal imbalances. (read all at source)

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Size does matter to the Native mind. It is the mammoth size of the eagle that, in part, wins its title as the King of the Birds in myth and lore. In spite of its enormous size, the eagle still takes flight, seemingly effortlessly. (read all at source)

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Exaggerated sizes of things are to get your attention. Examine them in detail.
Instills a sense of instability and tenuous related to the subject involved. (read all at source)

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The size of the waist in a dream determines the omen it portends to as recognized in the current mode of fashion. A large rotund waist gives the dreamer the information that life will be pleasing and comfortable with no lack or want. (read all at source)

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The size and appearance of thumb in your dream is also interpreted differently. A small thumb means having pleasure at a limited time while unusually large sized thumb is symbolic of unexpectedly swift success. (read all at source)

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Airplane - (size & type of plane correlates to the interpretation) prophetic ministry; going to heights in the Spirit; new & higher understanding
Armored Car - protection of God
Automobile - personal ministry or job... (read all at source)

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see also: small size getting smaller deflating decreasing
categories: Attribute
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)

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Unusual shape or size - you will hear the relevant authorities or competitors: by phone or listening device installed somewhere. If your ears, then you have at home, if other people - in the office. (read all at source)

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Ring as reward - size of the reward equal to the value and the size of the gemstone;
Being given or offered a ring or buying one - the dreamer will wield tremendous power or become a king, says Ibn Sirin, the majesty of King Solomon was derived from his ring. (read all at source)

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Depending on the size of the boat, its surroundings and its condition will give you a good idea of what the Lord is saying to you at this time with regards to the size, function and season of your ministry. ... (read all at source)

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Exaggerated size or color; Extreme feelings. Swallowing or choking, vomiting. When there is a demonstration of these on another faceless person that you are observing. It's best to be safe and investigate.
heaven - A spiritual meaning. A message from God or the Higher Self. (read all at source)

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In a dream, a ring represents peace, tranquility, authority, a wife, a child, or a job, the reward of which will equal the value and size of the gemstone which is placed on it. (read all at source)

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I felt disproportionate inside my body, like my hands were the size of pumpkins, yet smaller than a pin at the same time. I would not be able to move, and although I felt awake, laying there in my bed, I must have been dreaming because I would be given jobs to do. (read all at source)

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The expected size of the wave was symbolic of the extent of the expected backlash.
Example dream : A dream where the dreamer is having sex (which was not expected) with his sister was linked to him having sexual feelings for a woman who wanted to be just friends. (read all at source)

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Alternatively, you may be literally trying to "knock" this person down to size. Perhaps it suggests that you or someone in your life has an inflated ego and need to be taught a lesson. (read all at source)

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Experiment with your food intake to determine the optimum size meal to have in the evening. If you fall asleep easily but awaken several hours later, it may be due to low blood sugar. (read all at source)

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From behind the sun visor by my mom, comes out this black and white spider atleast the size of a half dollar coin. The spider crawls calming out, and I tell my mom, " me a favor and get the heck out of the car. (read all at source)

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There is the obvious connection with the shape and size of a gun but also the pun in having to cock a gun. It also shoots projectiles which symbolize ejaculation. (read all at source)

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The health, size and overall quality of the tree is indicative of how you feel about yourself. This interpretation is to be made only when the tree is the focal point of the dream. Also, consider whether the tree is alive with leaves, flowers or fruit, or if it's barren. (read all at source)

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I dropped by for a visit and was shocked at the size of the snake, but was not in fear of it. He was holding a strange triangular vase that looked like the snake's tail. He told be it was designed to hold the snake's tail and was used inside his stomach to give the snake a stable base for it's tail. (read all at source)

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It was about the size of a large beach ball and when I put it in the toilet and tried to flush it away it bounced right back again. I think I tried several times before realizing that I would have to break it up into very small pieces and flush them away a few at a time. (read all at source)

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Given its great size and strength, eagles were able to remove even small livestock from the herds. This gave the eagle a persona of majesty, power, and fear. (read all at source)

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Cars, planes, buses may be symbols of the type or even the size or type of ministry you will be engaged in. That's why there are different kinds of vehicles. Note the color of the vehicle, if it is a car, what is the make and model? Observe who is driving it. Do you know the person? (read all at source)

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The size does also have something to say, if it is big it magnifies what it symbolize, and opposite. The same are also the case with dark or light color. Dark color magnifies, but light color diminishes. If the birthmark is on the left side of your body it will symbolize difficulties. (read all at source)

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It got mangled up, but shortly after, it repaired itself and grew in size, probably to the length of four feet by four feet. I wasn't scared of its new size; I was kind of intrigued by it actually, that it had managed to survive being run over and had grown in the process. (read all at source)

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Dict. A dwelling/residence, especially one of considerable size and pretension.
A beautiful mansion symbolizes the value placed upon your mind and its capabilities. An abandoned shack indicates a lack of care and respect for your mind. (read all at source)

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To dream of a harvest infers the dreamer will reap the rewards of their former work. The size of the reward can be ascertained via taking note of the size of the harvest in the dream.
Hay ... (read all at source)

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In a dream, the car symbolizes the motive energy or the vitality of its owner. Both the size of the car and its external apperances can indicate how the dreamer is regarded by the world about him. A speedy sports car can be a sexual symbol.
Carnival... (read all at source)

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midget feeling small; having to look up to others. What is smaller than its usual size?
military strict and regimented; having to fall in line with others' ideas of right and wrong; feeling like a number; at war. How could you venture off the beaten track? (read all at source)

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He may judge as to its size and whether it is bearing a heavy or a light burden. When it objectifies he will be able to know its full import and not before. So with dream symbols. (read all at source)

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Leaftop list
A message of change. The extent of the change depends on the size and quantities of the leaves. (read all at source)

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If you have no intention of starting (or increasing the size of) a family, consider the birth in relation to a new career, relationship, or abode.Who’s giving birth? And to what? How do you feel about it? (read all at source)

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To dream that you are squeezing pus out of your nipples, refers to your dissatisfaction and negative feelings in walking situation. Consider the size of the pus.
To dream of a nose signifies self-reliance, dignity and self-respect. (read all at source)

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Each entry contains multiple suggestions for the meaning of your dream symbol. Since every dream and every dreamer is different, there is no one-size fits all dream meaning. (read all at source)

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In a dream, a motorcycle is like a car in that you should notice the model, make, size, and any other pertinent details. Motorcycles are associated with the rebel, so you might feel the need to rebel against some part of your life. A motorcycle can also symbolize freedom. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of water can take on many interpretations like awareness, emotions, spirituality, understanding and healing. Water dreams come in all different forms, size and colour so you must take the effort to analyze your water dream so you can comprehend what factors ‘... (read all at source)

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The TV was like an open vision being the size of about 6'x 6' in length. When I looked at the TV, I saw a man that was inside of a restaurant like McDonald's. He was taking the garbage off the tables and putting it in a black garbage bag. (read all at source)

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If we had to process all memories and long term thoughts during waking hours our brain size would have to be increased massively. This method of storing vital thoughts during the day in short term memory then transferring it at night time makes the human brain highly efficient. (read all at source)

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-Writing one's feelings down in a journal as though you were writing a letter to a well-loved and trusted confidant can also be extremely helpful as can talking with others who share similar experiences. As with most disturbances of the inner self one size does not fit all. (read all at source)

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However, if you did the kicking, you will have to cope with some jealousy in your immediate circle. To dream that your buttocks are misshaped or a different size than in real life, suggests undeveloped or wounded aspects of your psyche. (read all at source)

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