Science fiction dream meaning

Seeing fairy tale characters in your dream lets you know to watch yourself more carefully in order to avoid troubles. A science fiction story is an omen of your organized life, and that you know exactly what you are doing every day. Being the author of a fairy tale means you will be deceived. (read all at source)

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forgery, gest, ghost story, gimmick, horse opera, incident, invention, legend, line, local color, love story, Marchen, mood, motif, movement, mystery, mystery story, myth, mythology, mythos, nursery tale, parable, peripeteia, plan, plot, recognition, rising action, romance, scheme, science fiction,... (read all at source)

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The science fiction writer Robert Heinlein coined the term "grok" in his novel Stranger in a Strange Land. It means to understand something so thoroughly that it becomes a part of you. (read all at source)

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