Scepter dream meaning

Scepter-a symbol of authority, sovereignty, and rule, Ps. 45:6
School-symbolic of a time of learning in life, Acts 19:9. A school is a common dream setting for past or present important events in a person’s life
Scientist-symbolic of analyzing, testing, and examining... (read all at source)

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To see a scepter in your dream, represents individual power and how one person can make a difference.
School... (read all at source)

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gavel, gyp, hammer and sickle, heraldry, insignia, knobkerrie, lapel pin, life preserver, livery, mantle, markings, medal, morning star, mortarboard, mountebank, nightstick, old school tie, paddle, pin, portfolio, quarterstaff, ram, regalia, ring, rod, rod of office, rose, sandbag, scepter,... (read all at source)

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