Scabbard dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a scabbard, denotes some misunderstanding will be amicably settled. If you wonder where your scabbard can be, you will have overpowering difficulties to meet.
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Scabbard dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a scabbard, denotes some misunderstanding will be amicably settled. If you wonder where your scabbard can be, you will have overpowering difficulties to meet.
Handle and blade, which together form a cross, symbolizing a strong belief system. In addition the sword of spiritual energy, which is enabling people to give up unnecessary.
The sword in the scabbard is a symbol of the dwelling in the body self. (read all at source)
register, register office, registry, reliquary, reposit, request, requisition, reservoir, reset, reticulation, roll, rose, rotation, rottenstone, rouge, round, routine, row, rub away, rub off, rub out, run, sable, salt away, salt down, saltire, sand, sandblast, sandpaper, sarcophagus, scabbard,... (read all at source)