roots firmly planted; stability; ancestry and tradition in the family; getting to the heart of a matter; putting down roots. What new project is beginning to take root? (read all at source)
Remember your roots - don't forget the people who helped you along the way
Follow your gut - rely on intuition and instinct in order to get where you need to be
Communicate your needs to others - no one can help you if you don't speak out... (read all at source)
Just as in dreams, branches and roots can have negative interpretations. When I have been in personal ministry and have seen a dark root in a person, I know that the Lord wants me to address a root of bitterness they have in their lives. You can find reference to the root of bitterness in:... (read all at source)
To dream of seeing roots of plants or trees, denotes misfortune, as both business and health will go into decline.
To use them as medicine, warns you of approaching illness or sorrow. (read all at source)
Seeing roots in a dream symbolizes being on solid ground, settling down, and cultivating stability in your own life. Roots can also symbolize unconscious or mental energy in your life; as well roots are often used in grounding and relaxation exercises when you practice yoga or meditation. (read all at source)
Earth: One's roots; your connection with the physical world. (see tree roots)
earthquake: Soul-shaking insecurity. A breakdown of anything, such as relationships, attitudes, or points of view. Literally a "shake-up" of your world. (read all at source)
The roots of a tree, show the connection between the people and the earth. The statement would be more correct, they represent the capacity of people to fight for the practical side of life and enjoy its existence. (read all at source)
The vine captures the idea of roots, growth and how things are intertwined. Dreaming of a vine is a symbol of your heritage and your interconnectivity with the world around you. See Gardener.
Violin... (read all at source)
Coat of Arms - Your roots, true identity.
From SpiritCommunity
Coffin This dream symbol most likely evokes fear, but before making quick interpretations, carefully consider all of the details in this dream. The coffin could symbolize a lack of energy or vitality in the dreamer. (read all at source)
The person does not seem relevant except to confirm that we have found an opening in some boggy roots. We come upon some boggy brown water interspersed with tree roots. Two shallow pools less than 20 feet wide combined. We begin to examine the pools and find an opening between some of the roots. (read all at source)
To see roots of the trees or plants in your dream, symbolizes the depths and core of your unconscious mind and soul. It represents your values and belief system. Alternatively, it denotes your family ties and bonds. You may be searching into your past. (read all at source)
elder, elegant variation, elevation, embellishment, emblem, emblematize, embody, embroidery, engrave, enthymeme, enumerate, equilateral triangle, esquisse, Establishment, estimate, etalage, euphuism, evaluate, exemplify, exhibition, exhibitionism, expenditure, expense, exposition, extract roots,... (read all at source)
Like seeds planted in earth, mammal females have taken the 'earth' into their own bodies, and the seed puts down roots into her fertile body to succour itself - the placenta. Again I am only describing an overall view of how nature and love works. It is a picture of how love works. (read all at source)
To see or eat beans in your dream, signifies your connection to your roots and to humanity. Consider what binds you to your community. Alternatively, beans are symbolic of the soul and of immortality. They also relate to fertility.
Bear... (read all at source)
The state of the grass may indicate how you feel about going back to your grass roots. Grass is another word for marijuana. Therefore, perhaps the grass is a symbol of getting high on life, of feeling on top of the world. (read all at source)
To dream about aboriginality implies a need to get back to basics; a need to attune ourselves with our primitive roots. Re-engaging with the basics guides us toward connectedness with all things natural. (read all at source)
If you dream you are in your childhood home, perhaps your subconscious is using that location to let you know whatever is happening in your current life has its roots in your childhood experiences. If you dream you are in a hotel, you might feel you are not 'at home' in some part of your life. (read all at source)
To cut one down, or pull it up by the roots, interpret that you will waste your energies and wealth foolishly.
To see green tress newly felled, portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly upon scenes of enjoyment, or prosperity.
See Forest. (read all at source)
To dream of Egypt, indicates the roots and core of your own emotions and spirituality. It suggests of a time in... Continue dream interpretation - Egypt"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Eight... (read all at source)
Tree Stump- tenacious, roots, hope of promise, restoration, obstacle. (Job 14:7-9)
Trophy- award, competition, victory in warfare, memorial. (1 Kings 20:11)
Trumpet- worship, tongues, voice, preaching, prophecy. Christ coming, judgment. (Joel 2:15; 1 Cor 14:8)... (read all at source)
To dream of coffee beans signifies your connection to your roots and to humanity. Consider what binds you to your community. If you ground the coffee beans yourself in your dream, this is a positive omen signifying unusual domestic happiness.
Coffee Maker... (read all at source)
A dream about an acorn be about putting down roots - getting settled in a new place or in a new situation. It can be a sign that you need to get back to basics. (read all at source)
Do you feel you have enough knowledge and resources to treat the pain yourself, or does it feel as if the pain has deep roots in your life?
Depending on how you answer these questions, you may wish to seek professional help dealing with the psychological pain of dream events.
Free Sample Readings... (read all at source)
If you dreamed of wormwood - all you have started, do not bring you the desired result. Pull up by the roots wormwood - is fortunate to be a strong opponent. Drink infusion of wormwood - a loss.
Hope and Dream Interpretation Dmitry Winters... (read all at source)
To climb a tree is a sign of swift elevation and preferment. To cut one down, or pull it up by the roots, denotes that you will waste your energies and wealth foolishly. To see green tress newly felled, portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly upon scenes of enjoyment, or prosperity. See... (read all at source)
Your cyclic energy or the process of self-development or individuation. Consider the tree's condition. Different parts of tree represent different parts of yourself, like for example roots represent heritage, unconscious, branches represent your family, and the [.]... (read all at source)
The trees on the outer rim of the forest are more capable of resisting the wind than those more to the center, by reason of their exposure to storms; the roots have penetrated with double strength far into the earth, and the branches are braced with toughened bark and closely knitted ligaments. (read all at source)
and beautiful teeth forecast happiness and prosperity; very long teeth predict legal action; one tooth longer than others portends sad news; buckteeth augur unexpected travel; bridgework is a suggestion that you should be more meticulous in meeting your obligations; a dream featuring the roots of... (read all at source)
To dream of seeing roots of plants or trees, could denote misfortune, as both business and health will go into decline.
To use them as medicine, warns you of approaching illness or sadness. (read all at source)
To dream of roots of plants or trees denotes misfortune. Health and business shall suffer.
Rope... (read all at source)
To see plant or tree roots in your dream, symbolize the unconscious mind and soul. You need to carefully examine your inner thoughts in order to understand yourself. If you use them as medicine, it forewarns you of approaching sickness or sorrow. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of seeing roots of plants or trees, denotes misfortune, as both business and health will go into decline. To use them as medicine, warns you of approaching illness or sorrow.. (read all at source)
A dream where you see the roots of a tree or plant suggest that you need to be more well grounded or more committed to something or someone. It can ..Read more →
ROPE ... (read all at source)
A root, or growing roots, can represent:
A foundation or anchor, a beginning or basis for something
A precursor or point of origin
A sense of security, stability, or consistency, as in "to put down roots"
Strength, or hidden strength
A reason behind something or a "root cause"... (read all at source)