Roman candle dream meaning

Roman candle dreams by DreamMean
To see Roman candles while dreaming, is a sign of speedy attainment of coveted pleasures and positions.

To imagine that you have a loaded candle and find it empty, denotes that you will be disappointed with the possession of some object which you have long striven to obtain. See Rocket.

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Roman Candle
To see Roman candles while dreaming is a sign of speedy attainment of coveted pleasures and positions.
To imagine that you have a loaded candle and find it empty interpret that you will be disappointed with the possession of some object which you have long striven to obtain. (read all at source)

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See also related symbol: Roman Candle
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boiler factory, boiler room, bomb, bull-roarer, cap, catcall, cherry bomb, clack, clacker, clapper, cracker, cricket, flare, flowerpot, girandole, horn, Klaxon, ladyfinger, noisemaker, pinwheel, rattle, rattlebox, rocket, Roman candle, serpent, siren, skyrocket, snake, snapper, sparkler, squib,... (read all at source)

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If someone throws a firecracker at you, this is a sign of trouble, probably because of someone else. But if the firecracker turns out to be a dud, that person will not succeed.
3. Sparklers and Roman candles are portents of an increased social life and good times ahead. (read all at source)

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