Rheumatism dreams by DreamMean
To feel rheumatism attacking you in a dream, foretells unexpected delay in the accomplishment of plans.
To see others so afflicted brings disappointments.
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Rheumatism dreams by DreamMean
To feel rheumatism attacking you in a dream, foretells unexpected delay in the accomplishment of plans.
To see others so afflicted brings disappointments.
To dream that you have rheumatism, signifies that an unexpected interruption will delay the achievement of your goals and plans. To dream that others have rheumatism, symbolizes disappointment.
To see rhinestones in your dream, signifies short-lived pleasures. (read all at source)
See also related symbol: Rheumatism
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Delay symbol. (read all at source)
Copper indicates you have a hands-on healing ability that works well for healing rheumatism.
Corridors are used to take you from one room to another. You do not remain in them for very long and as such in dreams they signify you are in a transition. (read all at source)