Religion dreams by DreamMean
If you dream of discussing religion and feel religiously inclined, you will find much to mar the calmness of your life, and business will turn a disagreeable front to you.
If a young woman imagines that she is over religious, she will disgust her lover with her efforts to act ingenuous innocence and goodness.
If she is irreligious and not a transgressor, it foretells that she will have that independent frankness and kind consideration for others, which wins for women profound respect, and love from the opposite sex as well as her own; but if she is a transgressor in the eyes of religion, she will find that there are moral laws, which, if disregarded, will place her outside the pale of honest recognition. She should look well after her conduct. If she weeps over religion, she will be disappointed in the desires of her heart. If she is defiant, but innocent of offence, she will shoulder burdens bravely, and stand firm against deceitful admonitions.
If you are self-reproached in the midst of a religious excitement, you will find that you will be almost induced to give up your own personality to please some one whom you hold in reverent esteem.
To see religion declining in power, denotes that your life will be more in harmony with creation than formerly. Your prejudices will not be so aggressive.
To dream that a minister in a social way tells you that he has given up his work, foretells that you will be the recipient of unexpected tidings of a favorable nature, but if in a professional and warning way, it foretells that you will be overtaken in your deceitful intriguing, or other disappointments will follow.
(These dreams are sometimes fulfilled literally in actual life. When this is so, they may have no symbolical meaning. Religion is thrown around men to protect them from vice, so when they propose secretly in their minds to ignore its teachings, they are likely to see a minister or some place of church
In the Native American religion, the Lion is actually your Protective Spirit. He is chasing you to get your attention. If you can remember to do this as you're dreaming (it is hard) stop face him and ask him what he wants. Most of the time, they will have a message for you. (read all at source)
The general idea of religion or philosopy
A specific religion
Your inner spiritual experience
A specific religious reference in your life (a certain religious authority or location, a symbol, an event, a memory, etc. (read all at source)
To dream that you are being deeply religious is a portent of a failing business and a drastic unwanted change in your life.
To dream of a "holier-than-thou" attitude suggests your mate or lover will get turned off by your self-righteous attitude. (read all at source)
Category: Religion
Sacrament of Penance (Catholic Church)
In general: Confessor can be a benevolent figure who symbolizes that you may absolve yourself of guilt. (read all at source)
religion spirituality; organized group worship; following prescribed rules of conduct; getting 'that old time religion'. What important thing do you do with care?
remote control stop distancing yourself; let someone else take control for a change. What are you controlling at arm's length? (read all at source)
To dream that you are deeply religious, foretells of a negative turn to your business affairs and a disruption to your life. To dream that you are over religious, signifies that your goody character will repulse your lover or mate. (read all at source)
Religion. Small troubles are portended if your dream featured the interior of a Church, but to experience a spiritual feeling of religion in your dream augurs contentment and peace of mind. (read all at source)
See Religion and Dreams - Meetings with Christ - Bible Its Dreams and Symbols - The Secret Bible Kabbalah - God and the Big Bang are the Same
About Dreamhawk... (read all at source)
KEY WORDS : Religion, my own thoughts, questioning
KEY PHRASES(Pick a quote which captures your feelings right now. Think especially of the day before the dream) :
- "I have been really been questioning myself"
- "my religious beliefs in practice"
- "some thoughts about religion"... (read all at source)
Religion or spirituality
Christianity or a specific Christian religion or principle
Jesus, or an aspect of his personality or story
Punishment or self-punishment
Self-sacrifice... (read all at source)
Religion - This could be a symbol of your spiritual beliefs, or the need for more of a spiritual focus in your life. (read all at source)
If religion or spirituality is becoming an important part of your life, heaven may be a common symbol in your dreams. (read all at source)
Many religions shed their head of hair as an indication of renouncing material existence. Losing your red hair in your dream means that your physical and spiritual strength will be tested.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life... (read all at source)
If it is religion you abandon, you will come to grief by your attacks on prominent people.
To abandon children, denotes that you will lose your fortune by lack of calmness and judgment. (read all at source)
Also See Religion.
For a young woman to dream that she sees her sweetheart with a revolver, denotes that she will have a serious disagreement with some friend, and probably separation from her lover. (read all at source)
Religion & Spirituality
Holistic Healing
Holistic Therapies
Innerwork Therapies
Exploring Your Dreams
Nudity Dreams - Nude in Your Dream? Whatever Could it Mean? (read all at source)
Religion To dream that you are deeply religious foretells of a disruption to your life. Your arrogance may be repelling your love interest or close friends. To dream that you are questioning your religious beliefs suggests that you are a deeply spiritual person. (read all at source)
In many myths and religions it is a child that reunites Heaven and Earth (Man and God). This child is the archetype for paradise, heaven and the ancient Tibetan city of Shambhala—a sacred place where you can cross into another world. (read all at source)
[edit]Islam The number of ayat in surat al-Fatiha The number of layers of the Earth in Islamic religion is seven The number of skies in Islamic religion is seven The number of circumambulations (Tawaf) that are made around the Kaaba The number of walks between Al-Safa and Al-Marwah mountains-that... (read all at source)
If you see a religious fanatic, aggressive relating to dissenters who wants that on their heads fallen sinful punishment from heaven, and it is desirable terrible, it means that your soul lives in a huge desire to devote himself to religion, but the snag is that its laws In your opinion,... (read all at source)
In terms of religious imagery, what one needs to recognise is that such symbolism in dreams does not necessarily equate to religion as you may know it. (read all at source)
adoration, articles of religion, catechism, celebration, ceremonialism, church, communion, connection, co-worship, credenda, credo, creed, cultism, cultus, denomination, devotion, doctrinal statement, dulia, faith, formalism, formulated belief, gospel, homage, hyperdulia, ideology, idolatry, ism,... (read all at source)
Blue symbolizes expression and includes spirituality, religion, art, culture, philosophy and attitude to life itself. It is one of the most common colors in dreams and is used to show your attitude to the subject matter. (read all at source)
It is like the frogs lay their eggs in the sloughs of stagnant religion and lies. These sloughs are made in much the same manner as sloughs are made from oxbows in nature. The river of God will always flow to people who do not resist God's ways, His love, or His Spirit. (read all at source)
Meaning: Spirituality, religion, art, culture, philosophy, attitude to life itself.
Dark blue (blue + black): Negative philosophy of life. e.g. superstition or fearful form of religion. When fear (black) is mixed with blue (fear pollutes attitude to life).
Light Blue (blue + white): Hope / faith. (read all at source)
The meaning of a dream about an abbey will depend upon your feelings about religion. If you have had positive religious experiences, then an abbey in a dream can symbolize a desire to be free of worry and a need for calmness. (read all at source)
Priests, of early Pagan religions followed by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, acted as interpreters of dreams. Dream Interpretations gained considerable credibility due to the recognition given to this subject by Christians and many Biblical references to dreams and their revelations. (read all at source)
It was practiced through most of the world, and most religions have some semblance of dream interpretation. (read all at source)
The ancient stories at the root of western religion personified good and evil as opposing characters. Nature teaches us how opposite forces simply drive life in a state of change. What we might label as bad is the way that something evolves before we can understand its purpose. (read all at source)
The Bible, as well as other great books of historical and revealed religion, shows traces of a general and substantial belief in dreams. Plato, Goethe, Shakespeare and Napoleon assigned to certain dreams prophetic value. Joseph saw eleven stars of the Zodiac bow to himself, the twelfth star. (read all at source)
The priests of many ancient religions were required to wear beards. Is the beard in your dream a symbol of spirituality? A sign of turning inward and focusing less on physical appearance? If you don’t have a beard and you grow one in a dream, how do you feel about it? (read all at source)
Church Dream Meaning - Spirituality, beliefs, religion.
Post Office Dream Meaning - Communication,
Bank Dream Meaning- Money, opportunities, life values.
Grocery Shop Dream Meaning- Sustenance and the things that emotionally feed you. (read all at source)
Judeo-Christian, Tao, Islam and Hindu religions all have significant appreciation for the dream as divine reality penetrating the consciousness of humanity. However, ideas about divine figures taking initiative in relationship with humanity vary widely within world religions. (read all at source)
Fool’s gold-false religion, Col. 2:23
Foot-symbolic of taking a journey. A broken foot can sym�bolize faithlessness, Prov. 25:19. Having a foot cut off is symbolic of trusting in a foolish person, Prov. 26:6
Football-aggressive living, the game of life... (read all at source)
East - Beginning (Genesis 11:2); Law (therefore blessed or cursed); birth; first (sun rises in the east bringing hope and new day); false religions (as in 'Eastern religions')
Psalm 103:12 'As far as the east (law) is from the west (grace), so far hath He removed our transgressions from us.'... (read all at source)
The theme of resurrection is explored in all cultures and religions. It is always something awesome and wondrous. Dreaming about resurrection may point to the awakening of your spiritual nature. (read all at source)
Dreaming about churches, cathedrals, synagogues, or any other place of worship may represent our childhood associations with religion. At times, the dream may be a muddled childhood memory. The church could represent a need for greater spirituality in the dreamer's life. (read all at source)
A dream with an ankh symbolizes a heightened level of awareness or your religion.
A dream involving antlers symbolizes sexuality and virility. If the antlers are mounted then this implies that you are trying to attain a higher status in your life. If the ..Read more →... (read all at source)
The moon has long been a feminine symbol and the symbol the certain goddesses, although in some cultures and religions, the moon is masculine. It represents emotional flux, cycles, and may refer to a woman's monthly cycle. (read all at source)
I understand there are religions who worship Earth as a mother or goddess figure. This is not my intent. I simply infer feminine gender because it feels right to me. Indeed, many cultures identify Earth as male, or even a non-gender entity. (read all at source)
Look at the symbolic meanings of the snake coming from spiritual traditions, religion, myths you are familiar with. This can help you interpret the archetypal meaning of your dream.
223 Responses to Dream Interpretation Advice... (read all at source)
Drugs-Influence: Spell; sorcery; witchcraft; control; religion (legalism); medicine; healing.
(1 Samuel 15:23, Galatians 3:1, Proverbs 17:22)
... (read all at source)
Purple is a spiritual color, representing spirituality, religion, self belief, self empowerment. Negative - Sadness. (read all at source)
They also saw a distinction between the dreams dreamt by rulers and leaders and those of the common man. Like other ancient cultures, the Babylonians saw a strong connection between their religion and dreams, with visions being powerful. (read all at source)
To dream about relief, suggests that you are trying to reduce the affect of the dream message and images. You may be having a disturbing dream and your conscious is seeking to alleviate the impact. You need to take some time out. Evaluate your decisions and judgment carefully.
Religion... (read all at source)
I have often seen bats in vision and they are usually tied to occultic oppression. Once in ministry, I saw in the spirit a certain person encased in the wings of a bat. As it turned out, they had been in contact with someone from a false religion and had been suffering a 'lashback' from ministering... (read all at source)
Centering is simply finding that peaceful, calm state that one accesses during meditation. Some practitioners get to this state using prayer, mantras, images, deep breathing, etc. Therapeutic Touch is not associated with any religion and a person does not need to be religious to practice it. (read all at source)
A priest represents a spiritual authority serving as a guide. Alternately, a priest might symbolize a dictatorial figure or one who judges and condemns. A dream of a priest may indicate the need to follow or eschew conventional religion. Look to surrounding details for clarification.
prison... (read all at source)