The surf of the sea (the waves of the sea as they break upon a shore or reef) symbolizes feelings and desires;
A calm sea embodies a peaceful life;
A stormy sea is as unwholesome, morally harmful passion. (read all at source)
Great White Shark - Carcharodon carcharias
Ningaloo Reef - Where to Swim with the Sharks
Ocean Safety - Safe Swimming in Ocean Waters
Oceans - An Activity Guide for Ages 6-9
Sneaky Shark (Photo) - Netlore Archive... (read all at source)
i then felt like i should have inquired more about her and her life instead of just joking around, she left and then i went swimming in the ocean and there was a wonderful reef i seen after diving in, i then woke. the water was sureal,azure amazing blue green. (read all at source)
Seeing a reef in your dream, suggests that you are blocking out unconscious material from emerging onto the surface. (read all at source)
To see a reef suggests you are repressing your emotions. You are preventing unconscious thoughts from manifesting in your life. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Reef
Danger or safety of hidden emotions... Continue dream interpretation - Reef"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Reel... (read all at source)
A coral reef can represent a danger.
A cormorant represents inner wisdom and introspection. (read all at source)