Record dream meaning

Seeing or listening to a record in your dream, suggests that you need to consider both sides of a situation. You need to be more in tune with your instincts. Alternatively, it represents a need for enjoyment and sensual pleasure. (read all at source)

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video recorder, DVR, Tivo
Control of environment or scheduling
Delayed gratification
The idea of creating environments you like, participating in activities you enjoy, or convenience or schedules that work well for you
A need or desire to remember something for later... (read all at source)

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Traveling if see a file or record - In the dream you see a file or some kind of record this shows that you'll need to make a journey and it will help you to make a progress at work or personal life;
Growth if browse through it - This means that you are in a professional increase;... (read all at source)

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Record & Recollect Your Dreams
Some people prefer to record their dreams onto cassette but, apart from being expensive if you keep them, this method denies you the opportunity to quickly referring to past dreams and compare similarities when making an interpretation. (read all at source)

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Record Your Dreams Start a dream journal; recording all you can remember about dreams concerning the things you want. In particular, pay attention to how these dreams feel. Does getting what you think you want feel good within the dream? (read all at source)

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Record your Lucid Dream
Upon waking up, take note whether you've succeeded in having a lucid dream and record it in your dream journal as soon as possible. Write down how long you think you were in a state of lucidity. (read all at source)

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Record your dream
Immediately after your mental run-through of the dream, write down a description of it from beginning to end, with as many details as you remember. (read all at source)

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A LP record indicates you are on the karmic path. The karmic path is far longer than the dharmic path when it comes to increasing your awareness. Playing a 45 or single release or current hit indicates the dharmic path.
Lug Nuts... (read all at source)

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Records. Organization. Mystery will be solved. Put things in order.
A means of distancing from events. Observation of own life. (read all at source)

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Record your dream.
Look at dream meanings in dream dictionary.
Personalize the interpretation of your snake dream.
Record your dream... (read all at source)

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(Records) In a dream, a notebook means managing one's expenses, or remembering the past. A notebooks in a dream also represents an estate, a treasure chest, benefits, profits, distress, burdens, or bad comments. (read all at source)

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'As you record more dreams, you will remember more dreams'.
Stephen La Berge
'It is the effort required to remember dreams, and the resulting stretching of consciousness that finally opens up dream reality.'... (read all at source)

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There are records of precognitive dreams such as you describe, but I have no personal experience with them. The best I can tell you is to look for dreams that repeat, with strong references to time and numbers. (read all at source)

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camera: To record something or to take notice of something. How does this look to you? It may also be similar to the eye in that it can represent point-of-view. (read all at source)

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The written records remaining from the Celts of Europe are scant, therefore signs and symbols can be hard to determine and trace. Many facts come by way of the Romans, who conquered the Celtic lands during the rise of the Roman Empire. (read all at source)

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The more you record your dreams, the more you can build up a personal Dream Dictionary. This will indicate what symbols have a special meaning to YOU, and what that meaning is.
Dream Symbol Dictionary
Main Menu of Dream Information... (read all at source)

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Dreams often record some worst possible scenario. Sometimes we reflect over how things could have been. Maybe your child nearly got run over the day before. We soon forget these little things yet we need to remind ourselves how lucky we were. (read all at source)

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To dream of a record player or tape recorder (as equipment) is a sign of a deteriorating love affair; otherwise, the... Continue dream interpretation - Record"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Rectangle... (read all at source)

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Once you have a recorded dream, what do you do with it?
There are many different ways to pull meaning out of dreams. Some of the most valuable methods have come from the pioneers in the field. Freud created the method of free association and Jung the method of amplification. (read all at source)

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Quick Decode: Record; memories; the past
Popular Expressions: Put someone in the picture; Get the picture
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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When you wake up, record as much of the dream as you can remember. Try to write down all the specific details as well as the question you asked. You may recognise the answer to your question immediately upon waking, but wait until that night to try to interpret it. (read all at source)

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[2] For authentic records, see Flammarion's "Unknown.''
The third man, already referred to, has about the same dream experiences, but calls them strange coincidences or unconscious cerebration, etc. (read all at source)

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[2] For authentic records, see Flammarion's Unknown.
[*] The 1845 edition of Edward Bulwer Lytton's Zanoni has "Man cannot contradict the Laws of Nature. But, are all the laws of Nature yet discovered?" (Emphasis added.) —The Editor.
Main Page... (read all at source)

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If you dream you are recording someone's address and display them on a piece of the number "1", the day you expect a great shock - most likely, the authorities will approve your idea and will make you a better offer. (read all at source)

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Example dream : A record cold temperature linked to the dreamer being really pleased when his camera turned up. However, he was then upset when he realised that the memory would arrive later. This really upset him. (read all at source)

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- Have a notebook or tape recorder next to your bed to immediately record the dream.
- Since dream imagery takes place in a different part of the brain, you will notice how allowing your thoughts of the day to intrude will make accessing dream content more difficult. (read all at source)

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In his recordings, Ibn Omar wrote that Muhammad said "to dream of milk is to dream of learning or knowledge." Dreaming of milk is a very positive message from your unconscious. (read all at source)

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There are many times and many different instances that are recorded biblically in history of the Lord's appearances to differ�ent men and His servants. God has used dreams as a method and a way of making face-to-face contacts (through appearances) with different men throughout history. (read all at source)

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From some of the earliest recorded human dreams, animals have revealed much about the meaning of a particular dream. This includes dreams of personal insight or circumstances, and also dreams of revelatory content. (read all at source)

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Because a camera is used to record events so that you can see them again in the future, when you dream about a camera, your dreaming mind may be telling you that the things you learn today may be useful to you in the future. (read all at source)

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Delta waves are large, slow (2 Hz or less) brain waves recorded with an EEG and are an indication of deep sleep.
See also: Occultist , Salmon , Necklace , Handbag , Obituary
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)

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To dream of a cassette tape (or a tape recorder) is a sign of a deteriorating love affair.
Cast... (read all at source)

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michael @ 2012-03-30 21:02:25
i had a dream my girlfriend cheated on me and she showed me all her intercourse, she recorded it and showed me i fliped out and beat her up i woke up after the first few swings ??? what does that mean ???????? (read all at source)

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Historical records and literature are filled with accounts of dreaming, and in every case man has searched for a reason for these phenomena. Common to them all is the recognition that night time dreams are a form of communication. (read all at source)

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To see a notebook in your dream, denotes that you are trying to stay on top of things and keep detailed records.
To dream of the month of November, signifies of an indifferent success in all affairs. (read all at source)

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Some of the earliest recorded attempts to interpret dreams are from Ancient Babylon, Greece and Egypt. In those ancient societies, dreams were considered a sacred communication with the divine that could deliver omens of the future. (read all at source)

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Exodus 20:24 "An altar of earth you shall make to me, and shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings, and your peace offerings, your sheep, and your oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come to you, and I will bless you." (GMR)... (read all at source)

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A dream I had of the love of the Father. How does God answer our prayers? Time is not a factor in eternity with God. He answers those that seek him. If you like, you can listen to the dream I have recorded below.
Sept 09... (read all at source)

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To see the ruins of his store after a fire, forebodes ill luck. He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsome fortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseen good fortune will bear him up again. (read all at source)

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He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsomefortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseengood fortune will bear him up again.
If you dream of kindling a fire, you may expect many pleasant surprises.
You will have distant friends to visit. (read all at source)

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Hi Fluffy, what a great idea to turn them into stories (Bardofely on here is currently doing just that with one of his dreams). Writing them down is also useful as it allows us to check out the meanings, and then if they come to pass we have a pre-dated record of this. (read all at source)

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If you are looking at vacation pictures, your dream can mean that you need to get away from your day to day responsibilities. A dream that you are looking at a wedding album can represent a desire to form more intimate relationships. Dreaming that you are listening to an old fashioned record album... (read all at source)

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Angels are mystical and spiritual symbols; traditionally they have been the messengers of God. The interpretation of your dream angel depends on your own views. Generally, the message coming up from your unconscious may be of important magnitude, so record your dream and think about all of its... (read all at source)

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Thus, "heads" is not the opposite of "tails;" either is related to the other, and so can be used to call to mind the other. As a side note, there is mention of this need to "twist round" what happens in a dream to get at its meaning in an obscure song called My Dream Blues, which was recorded by... (read all at source)

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Dvd Record Cassette Computer-disc
Can simply be the sort of pleasure you feel on listening to music; the impressions left on you by events, people - therefore memory, but often memory integrated by the unconscious into insights; information you have gathered;... (read all at source)

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You are recording a conversation.
You are listening to a tape.
You are remembering the best moments you have had in life.
Listening to a tape is positive.
A tape playing in a car. (read all at source)

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You can remember your dreams by using a tape recorder or writing down everything that happened in your dream when you wake up. What where the important symbols that stood out in your dream? Who was in your dream? How did I feel when I woke up? (read all at source)

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