Seeing a receipt in your dream indicates that you are accepting or acknowledging some aspect of yourself. It is a reflection of your openness and genuineness. What is the receipt for? Alternatively, it suggests guaranteed success and better times ahead. (read all at source)
I went into the shop, gathered the groceries and went to pay, as the assistant was putting my goods through the till I asked for an itemised receipt. It all came to �60; I didn't question it (that's a lot of money for basic groceries). (read all at source)
In the Western tradition the dream of deeds has more explanations. A deed refers to paper sheet, document, manuscript, bills, and receipts. Therefore, the interpretation of the dream depends on the meaning that the dreamer attributes to these items when considering the context. (read all at source)
Whether you gave it, got it or signed it, a receipt featured in your dream is a promise of better times... Continue dream interpretation - Receipt"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Reception... (read all at source)
The receipt of divine messages and oracular information also works from the premise of interconnectivity. All information runs on a network, and Nature is the most clean, efficient and diverse network through which information is transported to our awareness. (read all at source)
* Please, see meaning of attest, certificate, receipt, bill, seal.
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Dream Interpretation
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Use zinc white in a dream - to experience joyful feeling of freedom and independence from anyone's influence was. Cinnabar portends a hot mutual love. Purple - a sign that your requirements for life are too high and unrealistic. Indigo - a harbinger of sudden cash receipts. (read all at source)