To see old, torn rags in your dream symbolizes the act of tidying up your life and clearing old problems and issues.
To dream that you are wearing rags signifies qualms and worries about your self-image. (read all at source)
Rags, as in torn up clothes that are tattered and worn, in a dream are a perplexing omen for your waking world that can have easily misunderstood meanings. (read all at source)
Dream "Rags"
Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)
Poverty of spirit. (read all at source)
rags inappropriate dress; not feeling confident in what you wear; feeling self-conscious about your financial situation. Who is going 'from rags to riches'?
rail following the beaten track; conforming to society's norms; no choice; complaining. Who would like to 'ride the rails'? (read all at source)
Rags-symbolic of dead works, Isa. 64:6
Rain-a peaceful shower is symbolic of the presence of the Holy Spirit, Ps. 72:6. A driving rain is symbolic of a storm in your life. Raining fire is symbolic of judgment, Ps. 11:6... (read all at source)
Clean rags predict a period of prosperity, but dirty or soiled ones suggest that you need to reassess your behavior and/or... Continue dream interpretation - Rag"continue dream interpretation
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Menu - Dream Revealer... (read all at source)
hapless, hard up, heinous, hollow-eyed, homely, humble, humble-looking, humblest, humble-visaged, ill, ill off, ill-equipped, ill-fated, ill-furnished, ill-provided, ill-starred, impecunious, impecuniousness, impoverished, impoverishment, in narrow circumstances, in need, in Queer Street, in rags,... (read all at source)
Being Dressed in Old Rags in a Dream:
- On the other hand, the meaning of being dressed in filthy rags in a dream would mean being dressed in un-repented sin. If you have seen in this in a dream, just ask God to show the sin then repent quickly and turn from doing this sin in your life. (read all at source)
Bag-Pipe This is not a bad dream, unless the music be harsh and the player in rags. Baghavad Ghitta. To dream of the Baghavad, foretells for you a season of seclusion; also rest to the exhausted faculties. A pleasant journey for your advancement will be planned by your friends. (read all at source)
This is not a bad dream, unless the music be harsh and the player in rags.
Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted, or "What's in a dream": a scientific and practical exposition; By Gustavus Hindman, 1910. For the open domain e-text see: Guttenberg Project... (read all at source)
This is not a bad dream, unless the music be harsh and the player in rags.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
Interpreting Dreams... (read all at source)
So cried I in the dark.
So wept my tears
In silent night, without response,
Until, passion in me spent,
I wrapped that bundle in its rags,
And in the dawn walked on. (read all at source)
To dream that you are the king, signifies that you will rise above your peers. For a woman to dream of a king, foretells that she will marry a man whom she will fear. To see a king in rags, signifies that malicious gossip about your private affairs may do personal harm. (read all at source)
To see old, tattered rags in your dream, signifies that you are cleaning up old problems and issues.
To dream that you are wearing rags, signifies anxieties and concerns over your self-image. (read all at source)