Quartette dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a quartette, and you are playing or singing, denotes favorable affairs, jolly companions, and good times.
To see or hear a quartette, foretells that you will aspire to something beyond you.
Home - Dream - Quartet (Quartette)
Dreaming of a quartet is a dream of working together, harmony, and whimsy. This kind of dream can be fun and entertaining, but also a positive sign for your own future. (read all at source)
Quack Doctor - Quartette
Quay - Quoits
To dream of a quay interpret that you will contemplate making a long tour in the near future. (read all at source)
"At our boarding-place there was at the time a quartette of us grass widowers, as we called ourselves, and in order to pass away the time pleasantly we had organized a `grass widowers' euchre club. (read all at source)
See also related symbol: Quartette
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