Pulse dream meaning

Pulse dreams by DreamMean
To dream of your pulse, is warning to look after your affairs and health with close care, as both are taking on debilitating conditions.

To dream of feeling the pulse of another, signifies that you are committing depredations in Pleasure's domain.

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of your pulse, is warning to look after your affairs and health with close care, as both are taking on debilitating conditions. Dreaming of feeling the pulse of another, signifies that you are committing depredations in Pleasure's domain.. (read all at source)

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aim at, appulse, artillery, backfire, backlash, bang, bang into, barrage, battery, blast, blitz, bombard, boomerang, bounce, bounce back, bound, bound back, bowshot, brunt, bulldozing, bullet, bulling, bump, bump into, cannon off, cannonade, cannonry, carambole, carom, carom into, clash,... (read all at source)

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Synchronize your own heart beat with that of the eagle's - visualize each pulse as a flash of lighting - an impulse of divine thought.
Picture the power of the gods clapping like thunder with each flap of their wings. (read all at source)

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During the year, you often acted on impulse, acted unwisely, so you will have to answer for their actions. You may need a helping hand man you will meet within ten days after seeing sleep in 19 hours. (read all at source)

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After a moment or two, you will begin to feel a vague, general impulse to move your feet. Obey the impulse. Take a few slow steps in any direction that seems easy to you. (read all at source)

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Does it repulse you? For example, if it’s your (or someone else’s) feet, is it about mobility and your freedom to get around. Perhaps it’s about support? Do you feel you are not getting enough support? If you dream of a skeleton or bones, consider what it is you want to reveal. (read all at source)

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But as findings suggest, some people are physiologically, and thus also psychologically, better equipped to deal with such high levels of impulse than others. (read all at source)

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Vomiting in a dream may represent those things in life that cause you emotional stress, repulse you, and make you ill. This dream suggests that you are rejecting a thought, idea, feeling, or circumstance and that fast and, almost violent, cleansing is required. (read all at source)

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It symbolizes the instinctive impulse of human nature. Since snakes relate with sexuality, then maybe you have unresolved problems in this area or the fear of sexual activity. (read all at source)

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The dream may be urging you to stop resisting an impulse from the unconscious. The psychologist Strephon Kaplan-Williams suggests that you should relive the dream in your imagination and let the fall complete itself. In this way, you find out what is frightening you. (read all at source)

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Monkey: Foolishness or being ruled by impulse, mischievous. In India the monkey could represent Hanuman—a Hindu deity and devotee of Rama. His story can represent similar waking life allegory for the dreamer. This is true for all cultural images.
Hanuman... (read all at source)

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Does a hierarchical society please or repulse your personal sense of social order?
In your waking life, do your conversations include discourse on who is better than or less than others?
Free Sample Readings... (read all at source)

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Sometimes the colors pulse with gold and white, other times I see shapes that morph and move around and they speak to me, although it's just barely inperceptible. (read all at source)

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Love, or evidence of love (such as the ways a certain person demonstrates love)
A rhythm or pulse of something (living thing, process, cycles, etc.
A fast heartbeat or throbbing can represent a response to a mental, emotional, or physical challenge somewhere in your life. (read all at source)

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abducted, heralded, healing, increased, downhill, astride, memory, heart-rate, carefully, pulse, flicked, suddenly, frequency, fast, quicker, mercedes, overexposed, plummeting, jamming, breathless, anxiety, alarming, thrown, dangerously, pressure... (read all at source)

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I had an old cabinet with door open and suddenly a bunch of snake big and small exited.i saw a yellow stripe snakes..at 1st impulse I run afraid that the snake may bite me but as I returned back a single snake with yellow stripe is right in front of me just starring.then I woke up.. (read all at source)

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- From the living fountain of instinct flows everything that is creative; hence the unconscious is not merely conditioned by history, but is the very source of the creative impulse. (read all at source)

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According to Freudian theory, dreams of falling indicate that you are contemplating giving into a sexual urge or impulse. You may not be as discrete as you should be.
... (read all at source)

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The dove will often symbolize peace; the cat, independence; the dog, friendliness; and the bear, aggression. A dream of a struggle with an animal can symbolize a threatening impulse, whereas a dream of stroking a pet can represent our need to nurture. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are deeply religious, foretells of a negative turn to your business affairs and a disruption to your life. To dream that you are over religious, signifies that your goody character will repulse your lover or mate. (read all at source)

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I decided not to be a victim anymore and went to Small Claims Court to charge my ex-tenant with leaving without notice. After leaving the court office I went to a book store and on impulse bought Stuart Wilde's book, 'The little Money Bible' and began reading it. (read all at source)

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Tibetans believe that only dreams occurring just before dawn are important. They will usually take a patient's pulse and a urine sample during this time as well as ask the patient about their dreams upon waking. Using all this, they will then make a medical diagnosis. (read all at source)

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Moon carnal romance, the impulse to earthly passion Cayce (900-268, A-5). Morning the awakening of new forces Cayce (900-37) Mountain 1. reaching higher and higher in mental development Cayce (262-64). 2. (read all at source)

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Pulse. An exciting new interest in life is forecast if your dream concerned your own pulse; but if your dream featured any other pulse, it is cautioning you against getting too confidential too soon with recent acquaintances. (read all at source)

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