Puddings dream meaning

Puddings dreams by DreamMean
To dream of puddings, denotes small returns from large investments, if you only see it.

To eat it, is proof that your affairs will be disappointing.

For a young woman to cook, or otherwise prepare a pudding, denotes that her lover will be sensual and worldly minded, and if she marries him, she will see her love and fortune vanish.

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of puddings, denotes small returns from large investments, if you only see it. To eat it, is proof that your affairs will be disappointing. (read all at source)

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To dream of puddings, interpret small returns from large investments, if you only see it.
To eat it, is proof that your affairs will be disappointing. (read all at source)

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Fears, Organist, Indigo, Dividend, Type, Scales, Ottoman, Butterfly, Beauty, Strawberries, Chambermaid, Antelope, Eyeglass, Torture, Mortification, Question, Torch, Carnival, Jumping, Celery, Molasses, Crucifix, Vineyard, Bachelor, Luxury, Wake, Fawn, Minx, Nuts, August, Wreath, Flies, Puddings,... (read all at source)

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Dreaming about sweet fruit or even baking puddings may signify that every day life is fairly sweet as well as abundant or perhaps you need to gratify yourself for doing a good job. Breads may possibly signify fertility or even cash. (read all at source)

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