Dreamt I was involved in having a prostitute work for me. Terry.
On looking at my dream and wondering why the prostitute was working for me it was obviously to do with love and sex. What it showed me was that I always try to use love and sex for personal gain. (read all at source)
Dreaming of a prostitute shows your own sexual desires and freedom, and is a dream of power. These kinds of dreams indicate your own expressions that need to be let out and often are a representation of your own power and control issues.
In this dream you may have... (read all at source)
The character of the prostitute is trading the ability to experience real intimacy for money. Perhaps you have a sense that you are sacrificing something special for work or material gain. (read all at source)
prostitute selling yourself for less than you deserve; making deals that leave you feeling unappreciated and used. How are you selling yourself? (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Desire; lust; personal choice
Popular Expressions: Put something to bed; No free rides... (read all at source)
Prostitute in a dream should be regarded as aspects of the dreamer's own personality.The prostitute symbolizes spiritual impoverishment and emotional indifference. This can refer either to the marital partner or to an attitude toward fellowman. (read all at source)
General Meanings:
Inability to commit Prostitute often represents "ignoring " of civil concepts of morality. Sometimes the prostitute in the dream stands only for a sexual desire, for more freedom in own relationship, that is why it is often dreamed of the "eternal" bachelors. (read all at source)
Harlot / Prostitute - a tempting situation; appealing to your flesh; worldly desire; a demon; spirit of lust; spiritual apostasy
Hijacker - enemy wanting to take control of you or a situation
Husband - Jesus Christ; actual person... (read all at source)
I pass out in the dream and wake up to find that the men have changed my clothes and say to me that if I dont prostitute myself and give them every penny they will kill me. I stand there all night and when the dawn comes, I see my friend come by. (read all at source)
prostitute: promiscuity, ones own sexual value, have you sold out your values?
psychic: Expanded awareness.
puddle: Small but sometimes messy emotions. (read all at source)
*Please See Prostitute.
To see hooks in your dream, suggests that you will get caught for your mischievousness and deceit. It also indicates your quest for material gains or feelings of deprivation. (read all at source)
Prostitute-symbolic of the path of death, Prov. 2:16-18
Psychic-dreaming of a psychic giving you information is symbolic of demonic influences trying to direct your life, Lev. 20:6
Puppet-symbolic of someone who is controlled by other people or by demonic influences, Jer. 2:8... (read all at source)
To dream that you are in the company of a prostitute, denotes that you will incur the righteous scorn of friends for some ill-mannered conduct.
For a young woman to dream of a prostitute, foretells that she will deceive her lover as to her purity or candor. This dream to a married woman brings suspicion of her husband and consequent quarrels. See Harlot. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are a prostitute indicates your desires for more sexual freedom/expression and sexual power. You want to be less inhibited and possibly explore other areas of sexuality. Your waking principle are too rigid. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you are in the company of a prostitute, denotes that you will incur the righteous scorn of friends for some ill-mannered conduct. (read all at source)
To dream that you are a prostitute, represents your desire for much more sexual freedom and expression.
Puppet... (read all at source)
To dream that you are in the company of a prostitute, interpret that you will incur the righteous scorn of friends for some ill-mannered conduct. (read all at source)
*Please See Prostitute.
To dream that you are a widow, represents loneliness. You may be feeling isolated and/or abandoned. (read all at source)