Polo dream meaning

To dream that you are playing polo, denotes a life of wealth and prestige. It also refers to a patriarchy and how we may be living in a male-dominated world. (read all at source)

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palladium, paradigm, paramount, part, pass, pattern, pause, person, personage, persuade, pewter, pewtery, phosphorus, piece, pilot, pilotage, pioneer, platinum, play first fiddle, plow horse, plumb, plumb bob, plumb line, plumb rule, plummet, plunge, point, point to, pointer, pole horse, polo pony,... (read all at source)

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I'm not sure if I have seen him before or not, but the last few days it's been bugging me. I remember certain details... that he was wearing a polo shirt and jeans, that his hair wasn't very long but a bit shaggy... (read all at source)

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