Plants dream meaning

Plants that are significant are those that have historic importance in literature or your personal experience. For example, you may dream of visiting a friend who is sitting in a thicket of hemlock. (read all at source)

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Amaryllis Apple Blossom Apple Tree Ash Tree Aspen Tree Asters Azalea Bamboo Bay Tree Beech Tree Birch Tree Bluebell Buttercup Cactus Calendula Camellia Carnation Cedar Chamomile Cherry Blossom Cherry Tree Chrysanthemum Cyclamen Cypress Daffodil Dahlia Daisy Dandelion Edelweiss Elder... (read all at source)

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Category: Plants
Thorns, spines and prickles
Association: Sting of consciousness. Question: In what way am I willing to make the physical and spiritual aspects of my personality in line? (read all at source)

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Dream " Y " Young plants
The interpretation of the dream "Young plants"
Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse... (read all at source)

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Plants affiliated with Mercury:
Consider growing a bit of one of these plants in your kitchen windowsill to solidify the Mercurial concepts within each resonates. You could also keep a bit of root or dried leaves of an affiliated plant with you in a locket or a sachet. (read all at source)

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Plants-symbolic of sons, people, or the repercussions of your actions, Ps. 144:12. If the plants are with�ered it symbolizes a lack of vibrancy
Plastic-a symbol of something flexible or pliable
Platoon-symbolic of a group of Christians with the same tactical purpose in spiritual warfare... (read all at source)

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To see plants in your dream, indicates fertility, spiritual development, growth or the potential for growth. Alternatively, the appearance of plants in your dreams reflects your caring and loving nature. (read all at source)

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Plant, Plants
Nature - Plants - Dream Dictionary
Growth or potential for growth; energy; spiritual development; fertility; the expression of loving care. The opposite of the foregoing if dying or not in a good condition. Possibly one's children, especially if estranged from them. (read all at source)

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Plants growing out of skin
surrounded by people
when a frind helps find lost money
spider attacking
raccoon... (read all at source)

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Plants are often symbols of life and energy. So a place where life struggles often is symbolic of an absence of something. Desert dreams occur when you realise that a person you thought was a friend suddenly seems a lot less of a friend. Maybe you overhear them showing their true feelings. (read all at source)

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Growth. Nature. Life. Let the natural process flow freely.
Platform... (read all at source)

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Plants without flowers tell us that you are going to have something new; it may be an occupation or relationship. If you are in need of an occupation you are going to have. as plants and flowers are usually associates with occupations and promotions. (read all at source)

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eggplants in a dreams signifies a young woman and the craving for the youth
Find more dreams containing 'eggplants'
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'eggplants'
elephants... (read all at source)

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Growing plants, farming, or raising animals on a farm can represent a real-life activity where you invest time or resources for a long-term gain. For example, tending a farm (that you don't have in real life) could actually represent your real-life activity of managing your stock portfolio. (read all at source)

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A network of plants and animals lie underneath the soil, nourishing it and giving it vitality, so soil or earth in a dream can signify a network of people that you rely on for support. Just as life underneath the soil is hidden, you may not be aware, consciously, that this network exists. (read all at source)

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To see uprooted plants in your dream, indicates that you are out of balance. You may be feeling disconnected or distant from others. It could represent broken family connections or failed attempts in reestablishing familial ties.
Upside Down... (read all at source)

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At the same time, onions make you cry and can symbolize the need to allow something painful to surface so that you can move to greener pastures. Plants that require that you care for them while growing, suggest that you must prune or nurture your sense of nourishment and fulfillment over time. (read all at source)

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This include dreams of the natural landscape, vegetation and plants, alongside with weather and events outside of human control. One example is storms, which powerful imagery represents obstacles to be fought, while a rainbow indicates that the worst is over and your dreams may come true after all. (read all at source)

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The area and plants outside and decorations in the house had a feel as if it was in South America or somewhere tropical. I walked outside on the back porch through a wall of sliding doors that were covered by beaded curtains... (read all at source)

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There are trees, plants and animals in brilliant colour. I wonder what this means, and the landscape begins to spin until the colours blend and shimmer. (read all at source)

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I had a dream last night where I was at a friends house, hosing down the plants where his family where sitting outside and inside. I tripped going inside the house and when I got up, a large spiky black spider was hanging on his web. I screamed telling everyone that it was there. (read all at source)

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Green is the color of plants and is associated with the heart chakra. It is the integrating or balancing point in the rainbow of colors. The color of money in many nations, green in a dream is often associated with abundance on the material plane. (read all at source)

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I looked at the ditch and it was filled with thorny plants that had magenta flowers on top. The ditch looked like it was ankle deep so I was going to walk across it. I took one step and I fell in the ditch. I was surrounded by thorny plants that were seven feet tall. (read all at source)

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Seeing roots of the trees or plants in your dream, symbolizes the depths and core of your unconscious mind and soul. It represents your values and belief system. Alternatively, it indicates your family ties and bonds. You may be searching into your past. (read all at source)

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They believed that their ancestors lived in their dreams and take on non-human forms like plants. They see that dreams as a way of visiting and having contact with their ancestors. During the Middle Ages, dreams were seen as evil and its images were temptations from the devil. (read all at source)

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To dream of walking with one's lover through a garden where flowering shrubs and plants abound, indicates unalloyed happiness and independent means.
Garlic Garret Garter Gas Gas Lamps Gasoline Gate Gauze Gavel Geese Gems Genealogical Tree Geography Ghost Giant Work Triplets Eve Reception Quadrille... (read all at source)

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To dream of seeing roots of plants or trees, denotes misfortune, as both business and health will go into decline.
To use them as medicine, warns you of approaching illness or sorrow.
Ropes... (read all at source)

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To dream of roots of plants or trees denotes misfortune. Health and business shall suffer.
This signifies perplexities and complications in love affairs. (read all at source)

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A harvest field symbolizes your reproductive system. The plants that were sown have now produced the next generation.
Hay, due to its brown color and use as bedding for animals, symbolizes your elimination system. (read all at source)

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Because the color of the snake is green, the dream suggests that a transformation is occurring in your life quite organically, naturally, just like when plants grow on their own. Perhaps you are discovering new aspects of yourself or nurturing a relationship or project. (read all at source)

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They often become psychic or begin to see auras around people, plants and animals. At this point, one begins to feel a real connection to nature and the Universal Source. It gives one an understanding of how we are all made of the same basic stuff and we are all connected to the same energy flow. (read all at source)

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Like with any symbol, numbers, colors, animals, insects, plants, etc. , they may vary in interpretation depending on the context in which they are seen. For example let's use the number of five, it could be five years or days, if you saw it in a context of time. (read all at source)

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This can either symbolize an unattainable person or that you are not enough forthcoming toward others. Plants hurt by frost symbolize that you must be very careful in the close future. The same are also the case if were frost injured. (read all at source)

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Green is the traditional color of growing things, of fertility, of fresh young plants and fresh grass. It also represents wealth and money. Negative - greed, green with envy. (read all at source)

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If you were eating broccoli, you are entering a season of ups and downs. If you grew broccoli plants, happy family times are forecast. Cooking or serving broccoli suggests that although success may be slow, it will be sure. Wrinkled, old broccoli represents sadness. (read all at source)

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Just as we need to weed out the garden to have healthy plants, we need to weed out the negativity in our minds and lives to grow fully. Weeding in dreams suggests a releasing of stifling and useless thoughts and actions, which frees the mind and improves relationships. (read all at source)

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Choking - hindrance; difficulty in accepting something (as in 'the news was hard to swallow'); hatred or anger (as in 'I could choke her right now'); unfruitful (as in the weeds growing up and choking the plants)... (read all at source)

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If you saw frost patterns on a window or building, you can expect to have an interesting and unusual experience; but if you dreamed of being frostbitten or of seeing the effects of frostbite on plants or vegetation,... (read all at source)

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To females, this dream foretells that they will be famous, or exceedingly happy in domestic circles.
To dream of walking with one's lover through a garden where flowering shrubs and plants abound, indicates unalloyed happiness and independent means. (read all at source)

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Dream interpretation - Plants
Growth. Nature. Life. Let the natural process flow freely.... Continue dream interpretation - Plants"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Plaster... (read all at source)

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Plants in a vegetable garden can mean that the ideas of personal nourishment and growth—and "reaping what you sow"—are important to you right now. Perhaps you are looking forward to results from some effort you've invested. (read all at source)

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