Home - Dream - Telephone Number
The dreams you have can help clarify feelings that you have in the waking world which are quite confusing. It has been said that we cannot and must not neglect the messages that our dreams are giving us. (read all at source)
Phone Number
To see a phone number in your dream, suggests that you need to make contact with someone and reach out for help. (read all at source)
The number itself or the individual digits could also have significance. For example, they could represent a friend who has those digits in her phone number.
see also: house place
categories: Attribute
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
message, metaphor, metonymy, mutual admiration, mutual support, mutual transfer, mutuality, negotiate, next best thing, offer in exchange, outside market, over-the-counter market, pass, pass on, pass over, pay back, permutation, permute, persiflage, personnel, phone book, phone number, phony,... (read all at source)
So I tried to call a friend of mine, whose phone number I could remember. However, when I looked at my phone, I could make at the numbers, and I physically could not dial the right number. I somehow ended up with 707 instead of 804, the area code I was trying to call. (read all at source)
Unless the invitation for submissions on this web page specifically states, permits, or requests otherwise, your submission should be non-commercial/non-promotional in nature and should not contain commercial web addresses, e-mail addresses or phone numbers. (read all at source)
give personal information and authorization to obtain information from various credit services. For example, you may need to provide the following information:
-Mailing address
-Email address
-Credit card number
-Name on credit card
-Credit card billing address
-Business and home phone number... (read all at source)
To see a specific phone number in your dream may suggest that you need to make contact with someone and reach out for help. If you couldn't find something in your address book, you need to start being more independent and responsible. (read all at source)
i dream of 6001155. its a phone number given to me in my dream . what does it mean
admin says:... (read all at source)
Perhaps it is his phone number or is a number of his house or apartment. (read all at source)
Be sure of course to give her YOUR address, phone number and email address, so she can respond to you and get the ball rolling! Before you know it, you and your pal Paris will be living the high life, getting into the A-list clubs in New York City and Hollywood. (read all at source)
phone number dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)