Paris dream meaning

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Pari, Pari-, pari passu, Pariah, pariah dog, Parial, Parian, Paridae, Paridigitata, paries, Parietal, parietal art, parietal bone, parietal cells, Parietal lobe, parietal pericardium, parietal placentation, parietal pleura, Parietales, Parietaria, Parietaria difussa, Parietary,... (read all at source)

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Dreaming About Paris Hilton
What does it mean when you start dreaming about Paris Hilton? Obviously this means that she is thinking about you - and it's time to write her a letter!... (read all at source)

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The "City of Lights." If you, in fact, live in Paris, the location of the dream has little meaning, but if you don't, it's quite significant.
1. Paris has for two millennia been considered a major center of culture and enlightenment for the entire Western world. (read all at source)

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Paris in Greek legend, son of the king of Troy; his abduction of Helen, the wife of the king of Sparta, caused the Trojan War; wanting excitement; romance and indulgence; a French connection. Who's the bored young man that you know? (read all at source)

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To dream that you are in Paris, symbolizes your need for romance and passion. It also suggests that you are a person of distinction. You own personal experiences and knowledge of Paris will supersede the suggested interpretation here. (read all at source)

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Then he finds himself in Paris at the exposition, which is on fire. He takes part in terrible scenes, etc. He wakes with a start; his eyes catch the rays of light projected by the dark lantern which the night nurse flashes toward his bed in passing. (read all at source)

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In a dream, a church also can represent its parish, diocese, ministry, clergyman or a chaplain. If one sees a church turned into a synagogue, or a synagogue turned into a church in a dream, it means mistrust, an argument, or a scheme for tax evasion. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of the Eiffel Tower is a positive omen, symbolizing a season of love and friendship ahead. Also see "Paris."
In dreams, the number eight stands for success and rewards for hard work. (read all at source)

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Clothing can also convey the setting of the dream—such as warm-weather clothes representing something that happened last summer, or high-fashion clothing representing Paris, or saddle-shoes representing the 1950s. (read all at source)

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He is in Paris, and is drunk or laughing, telling her how much fun she is having. "Things are not so good here..." she is telling him. Three slightly familiar people enter the kitchen. They are escaping through the window. They ask if I will be around, and I say yes. (read all at source)

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