Out-of-body Experience
The out-of-body experience can be a dramatic one. Clinically, this falls into a phenomenon called "dissociative experience or disorder."... (read all at source)
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Out-of-body Experience
The out-of-body experience can be a dramatic one. Clinically, this falls into a phenomenon called "dissociative experience or disorder."... (read all at source)
If you dream of astral projection or astral body (astral travel or any other out-of-body experience) it means that you started to see things from completely different point of view. This dream indicates the freedom and emancipation. (read all at source)
flying. Freedom or possibly an out-of-body experience.
fog. Uncertainty, unpreparedness, and procrastination. To be enveloped in fog suggests shortsightedness or danger.
fortress. The self's defense system; hence a crumbling fortress symbolizes vulnerability... (read all at source)