Organ dream meaning

Organ dreams by DreamMean
To hear the pealing forth of an organ in grand anthems, signifies lasting friendships and well-grounded fortune.

To see an organ in a church, denotes despairing separation of families, and death, perhaps, for some of them.

If you dream of rendering harmonious music on an organ, you will be fortunate in the way to worldly comfort, and much social distinction will be given you.

To hear doleful singing and organ accompaniment, denotes you are nearing a wearisome task, and probable loss of friends or position.

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For instance, an "organic" dream could link to the words "pure" and "natural" and the dream capture a thought like "I want to live a more pure and natural way. Its important to me right now".
2. Ancient times... (read all at source)

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Cartel-an organized group of spiritual enemies
Cartoon-watching cartoons during a dream is symbolic of silliness or immature behavior for an adult... (read all at source)

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Calendar A calendar on the wall suggests that you are well organized and prepared. If you see yourself writing or making marks on a calendar, it symbolizes that you are marking time until a certain event comes to pass. (read all at source)

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Dream Dictionary
To see an organist in your dreams, denotes a friend will cause you much inconvenience from hasty action. For a young woman to dream that she is an organist, foretells she will be so exacting in her love that she will be threatened with desertion. (read all at source)

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An organ in the body often represents the aspect of your life represented by that particular organ. For example, the kidneys might represent the ability to filter out the bad things in life and focus on the good. (read all at source)

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If the Organ is found in a Church, this is representative of the home and the heart as well as a new relationship with family that brings much joy. (read all at source)

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To see an organist in your dreams, denotes a friend will cause you much inconvenience from hasty action. For a young woman to dream that she is an organist, foretells she will be so exacting in her love that she will be threatened with desertion. (read all at source)

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Seeing an organist in your dream means that the hasty actions of a friend will create much inconvenience for you. (read all at source)

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Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
Journal of College Student Development, 49(3), 250-253. (read all at source)

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Internal Organs
Often to do with concerns over health. Could be a sense of illness in that part of body. But mostly such dreams are unfounded anxiety about illness. See separate organs. (read all at source)

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Share Your experience on dreaming about Organ symbol.
I am: Male Female
Your Name:... (read all at source)

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female reproductive organ
Femininity, female self-image, motherhood or relationship with your mother or inner child, creativity, or stereotypically-female emotions.
see also: menstruation female problems organ
categories: Parts of the Body... (read all at source)

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General Meanings: In general the dream that relates to organs, signifies the lack of self criticism. Maybe the dream suggest to be more self-critical and look deeper into your views and ideas you are expressing towards the others. (read all at source)

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Your physical wellbeing is mirrored in dreams about the organs of the body. For example, to dream about your stomach may indicate worries and fears in waking life, while dreaming of the liver may imply a need to detoxify the body. (read all at source)

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organ solitary activity; playing for someone, or having them play for you; church music; might refer to your lungs and how well air is being pumped through them; check out your internal organs. What are some ways in which you can inspire yourself? (read all at source)

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An organ (musical instrument) means you are a channel. You can communicate with spirits. The fact they are usually associated with churches reinforces the meaning.
Orgy... (read all at source)

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Organization representing a certain agent dreams to the events that will unfold on the script, very far from the expected you. (read all at source)

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Organization. Structure. Congenial work and good news.
Social activities of a happy nature. Change for the better. (read all at source)

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Organization. Structure. Congenial work and good news.... Continue dream interpretation... (read all at source)

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Organisation; commitments; passage of time
Previous (CAGE)
Next (CAMERA)... (read all at source)

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organized side of yourself, and a Roman Soldier represents the
more disciplined side of your character or aspect of self. (read all at source)

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An organ can symbolize harmony between different aspects of your personality or your life.
If you associate an organ with a house of worship, then a dream about an organ can have to do with the way you feel about religion. (read all at source)

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Kidneys are organs which cleans the body physically, therefore a dream about kidneys can indicate a need for emotional or spiritual cleansing.
If you dream about kidneys, you may need to remove a negative influence from your life. (read all at source)

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Unusual sex organs are a sign of underindulgence and a little initiative might be a good idea.
A dream which featured exposing the sex organs indicates that you are on the verge of being dangerously sex-starved and professional advice would be useful. (read all at source)

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Additionally, the bodhi moves its body in wild rhythmic contortions, forming organic twists that curl up in our imaginations. When we look upon it with childlike eyes we can see whirling clouds, dancing maidens, and beautifully wrinkled faces of old sages laughing in the bodhi bark. (read all at source)

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At our boarding-place there was at the time a quartette of us grass widowers, as we called ourselves, and in order to pass away the time pleasantly we had organized a `grass widowers' euchre club. (read all at source)

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Secret Order: To dream of any secret order, denotes a sensitive and excited organism,and the owner should cultivate practical and unselfish ideas and they may soonhave opportunities for honest pleasures, and desired literary distinctions. (read all at source)

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Astrologically, Jupiter represents balance, organization, abundance and optimism. If you are down on your luck or a bit disorganized, this dream may be calling for awareness of supportive internal and external forces. Our dreams often compensate for what is lacking in daily life. (read all at source)

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Guns The gun could symbolize the male sex organ, aggression, harshness, and fear. This dream may have sexual connotations, or your unconscious mind may be telling you not to harbor your negative feelings but express them more freely before they become explosive. (read all at source)

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You must organize yourself with all the right tools in order to take full advantage of what your mind has to offer. You can record your dreams on a recorder, a piece of paper or on your computer. Below is an example of what your Dream Journal should look like. (read all at source)

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It usually represents the female sex organ or, if eaten by a man, may represent his ability or desire to perform well sexually. Oysters are also considered symbols of humility and wisdom. Their meaning is associated with that of pearls. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are underwater represents that you are overcome with emotions and need greater organization in your life. You may even be over your head in some circumstances.
To dream that you are breathing underwater signifies a withdraw back into the womb. (read all at source)

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The abbreviations could stand for an organization or a common acronym or it may spell out some hidden message or advice. The dreaming mind likes to make use of puns, as well as shorthand messages. For example, "CD" could be a pun on a "seedy" situation. (read all at source)

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This free online Dream Dictionary is an organized listing of symbols sometimes found in spiritual dreams and their most common meanings. (read all at source)

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Lack of individuality, being robbed of your identity, expectations of group or organizational behavior, lack of self-expression. Possibly this dream can point to peer pressure. Maybe need to be part of something greater than yourself. A need to get organized and precise. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are corking bottles, denotes a well organized business and system in your living.
Corkscrew Corn Corn and Corn-Field Corner Cornet Cornmeal Corns Coronation Corpse Corpulence Corset Cossack Cot Cotton Cotton Cap Abbess Rheumatism Vexed Conspiracy Legerdemain... (read all at source)

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To dream of being in the Navy denotes your need for organization and structure in your life. To dream of being rescued by a Navy person presages help you will receive from authorative sources. A shabby Navy crew indicates failure in your undertakings.
Nearsighted ... (read all at source)

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Factory: Smooth service to God and organized or the opposite, the church working properly; unorganized; fervor in service. (Luke 2: 49; Rom. 12: 11; Prov. 31: 13; 1 Thess. 2: 9; Acts 20: 35)... (read all at source)

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When praying for physical healing the Lord has often shown us the organ of the person that has been infected as either black or purple. As we pray we see it go red in the spirit. When we see that we know that healing has taken place. Consider the following passages...
Speaking of rescue:... (read all at source)

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Because the color of the snake is green, the dream suggests that a transformation is occurring in your life quite organically, naturally, just like when plants grow on their own. Perhaps you are discovering new aspects of yourself or nurturing a relationship or project. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are a manager, indicates that you need to be more organized and efficient.
To see a mandala in your dream, signifies that positive changes are occurring in your waking life. It also symbolizes wholeness, unity, healing, spirituality, and harmony. (read all at source)

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A dream featuring files suggests that you need to organize yourself or some part of your life better, or you feel overwhelmed or suffering from information overload. The dream may also imply ..Read more →
FIND ... (read all at source)

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To see a neat and well-kept yard, reflects your ability to maintain and organize aspects of your outside life, such as work and your social activities. To see a messy and un-kept yard, denotes that aspects of your life are out of your control.
Yard Sale ... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are putting labels on items, denotes that your need for organization and order. To see or read labels in your dream, signifies that you have unknowingly let an enemy see the inside of your private affairs, as a result of your carelessness and neglect. (read all at source)

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Large vehicles symbolize the dreamer's choice of vehicles (such as an organization, company, church) for experiencing what physical life affords. The use of the vehicle will give indications of the type of experience being related in the dream message. (read all at source)

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Practice using both sides of your brain—analytic and organizational as well as creative and intuitive. It makes dream interpretation easier. Balanced, whole brain use is optimal. (read all at source)

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It is a product of childhood memory organization being overlaid with adult reasoning and moral subtlety. Sometimes, the moral subtlety of adulthood is tempered in dreaming by the absolute right and wrong of childhood. Consequently, taboo imagery can crop up almost anywhere in dream life. (read all at source)

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a practitioner begins with the understanding that all of us are already healthy and whole, they are only there to assist them to re-organize or re-balance their energy. There is no doubt that this gentle and yet powerful healing technique will become better respected and developed over time. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are corking bottles, denotes a well organized business and system in your living. (read all at source)

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Their whips had sharp metal at the ends and they whipped the elephants until their skin fell off. The pastor said that cruelty to animals is immoral and he was organizing a trip to Africa to stop this. Then the pastor said "An elephant never forgets". (read all at source)

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Something or someone may be (bugging) or (pestering) you. Alternatively, insects are also said to be symbolic of precision, alertness, and sensitivity. You may need to organize your thoughts and sort out your values. Sometimes they are seen as divine messengers. (read all at source)

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To dream of filing signifies a hidden need to separate your feelings and emotions from a potentially difficult situation. It could also recommend getting better organized in your life.
fingers... (read all at source)

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the mother of all living organisms Cayce (538-16). 2. the source of physical creation: Mother Sea Cayce (538-14). 3. the cleansing force as one moves from one experience to another Cayce (136-83). 4. the mother of life Cayce (136-83). 5. (read all at source)

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The organ is a classic symbol of Genitals and can relate to sexuality. At the same time, the organ is also a symbol of the free expression of passion and pleasure. Playing any musical instrument symbolizes how you are attempting to give free reign to what you are passionate about. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of the actual organ of digestion is very likely a pun. If in the dream you're feeling sick at your stomach, look to other symbols in the dream to see what is going on in your life that you "can't stomach. (read all at source)

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