Orator dream meaning

Orator dreams by DreamMean
Being under the spell of an orator's eloquence, denotes that you will heed the voice of flattery to your own detriment, as you will be persuaded into offering aid to unworthy people.

If a young woman falls in love with an orator, it is proof that in her loves she will be affected by outward show.

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Being under the spell of an orator's eloquence, interpret that you will heed the voice of flattery to your own detriment, as you will be persuaded into offering aid to unworthy people. (read all at source)

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analogy, annalist, apparition, appearance, art critic, astral, astral spirit, author, authoress, backup, banshee, belletrist, bibliographer, black spot, bloom, blooping, bogey, bogeyman, boggart, bugaboo, bugbear, change, change places with, changeling, coauthor, collaborate, collaborator, columnist,... (read all at source)

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Hear foul - soon you will have the opportunity to display their oratorical skills in a serious dispute or debate, which, however, could turn into a public scandal with insults. (read all at source)

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