Obesity dream meaning

Obesity (fatness)
General Meanings:
Defense and upcoming pleasure In the dream to see yourself as fat person, so your attention is focused on the defense, which you use against your inadequacy. (read all at source)

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Obesity - the need to get rid of fears. The reflection of concern about their weight (not just physically, but also in society).
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)

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obesity worries about weight and appearance; fear of social rejection; being overly concerned about weight. (See fat) What problem is an overweight condition covering up? (read all at source)

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Obesity See: FatPerson. More
Obscene It is reasonable and healthy for all of us to have a dream which surprises or shocks us occasionally. As dreams partly deal with aspects of our urges and fantasies which we do not allow […] More... (read all at source)

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Obeseness, obesity, obesity diet, obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)

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Long-term sleep deficiency is also believed to lead to diabetes, heart issues and/or obesity. In addition, to sleep more than the recommended 8 hours per night will lead to more health problems.
Naked or Nude
Hen or Chicken... (read all at source)

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Paranormal Story Archive - May 2002 - Page 6 - The Three Spirits
Power Napping for Increased Productivity, Stress Management and Health - Take a Power Nap - Power Nap and The Benefits of Sleep
Sleep Deprivation and Obesity - Learn About Sleep Deprivation and Obesity... (read all at source)

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They say that a "picture is worth a thousand words" and that is true of dreams as well. A picture/dream of someone eating may be associated with a phrase such as "he is so fat" as obesity is connected to eating. Look at other key phrases below which are highly associated with eating dreams. (read all at source)

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