Nature dream meaning

A signature or signing one's name can represent:
Identity, self, or self image
Approval or agreement... (read all at source)

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signature sequence, signature tune, Signaturist
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)

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Rural nature tells you about the available potential values �??�??that can be mindful and implemented, if you are surrounded by people who understand. At the moment you are ready to implement these positive values.
Dream Interpretation Meneghetti... (read all at source)

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Category: Nature
Knoll (small hill)
General Meanings: Health and comfort The traditional interpretation of dream, a knoll as a dream symbol brings the dreamer well-being from his very early childhood which gave him the mother's breast. (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation/the nature of my dreams
I want to know the significance of dreams in general. I have vivid, often lucid, dreams every night. I travel to other dimensions, I hear and sense imagery and information that has no logical explanation for being in my head. (read all at source)

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nature authentic; being comfortable with who you are; getting in touch with others; getting in touch with your environment; not artificial; neither sharp nor flat; made by the Creator rather than humans; qualities you were born with. Where are you faking it? (read all at source)

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To dream of nature, denotes freedom, tranquillity, restoration, and renewal. It may represent that your internal instincts are experienced and expressed. (read all at source)

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The signature captures the image of ‘signing on the dotted line’ or making a commitment to something putting your reputation up as collateral. Seeing another’s signature can be the first steps of integrating issues that you are not owning. See Label and Name. (read all at source)

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Nature - Dream Dictionary
Just as water in a dream often represents emotions, ice can symbolize a freezing, withholding, or repression of these emotions.
Ice can also reflect the feeling of being "frozen" or paralyzed with fear, guilt, or other anxieties. (read all at source)

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Nature Those parts of your being that have arisen with little or no interference. Not moulded by conscious ambitions, desires. More... (read all at source)

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Nature, in compounding the materials for the creation of the deaf man, inadvertently dropped the ingredient sound, hence making an imperfect being; and sound, being thus foreign to his nature, he can only be approached by signs even in dreams. (read all at source)

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Nature is often obscure or impenetrable, but she is not, like man, deceitful. We must therefore take it that the dream is just what it pretends to be, neither more nor less. ~ Carl Jung... (read all at source)

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Nature is three-fold, so is man; male and female, son or soul. The union of one and two produce the triad or the trinity which underlies the philosophy of the ancients. (read all at source)

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The nature of the adventure will govern the prediction of this dream. It will follow closely according to whether it is... Continue dream interpretation - Adventure"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Adventurer... (read all at source)

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Growth. Nature. Life. Let the natural process flow freely.
Position. Stage. Triumph. A need to show the real you in front of others. (read all at source)

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Was the nature of your public appearance absurd, or did it somehow fit logically with your waking life?
Did you feel a sense of high anxiety during the situation, or were you calm and forthright?
Free Sample Readings... (read all at source)

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fairy: A nature spirit, a realm beyond the every day. The Celtics included elves and fairies in their concept of the Otherworld, the world of a new beginning, paradise. (read all at source)

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The Lord's nature and presence is often likened to honey. His sweetness, richness and beauty being as honey. Honey has some wonderful meanings if you take a look in the Word:
Speaking of blessing and prosperity:... (read all at source)

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The helpful nature of the Joshua tree that provides food and shade from the scorching heat is also a parallel in your waking world as well. Consider your base needs in your waking world when you see the tree in a dream and if your needs are being met in your current situation. (read all at source)

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Things of this nature are to be regarded as danger signals. They can conjure up past war-time experiences. They can indicate events which have caused shock.
Dreaming of studying books indicates pleasant pursuits, honors and riches. (read all at source)

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the nature of the death experience Cayce (900-99, A-2). 2. a state of consciusness which is attuned to the unseen spiritual world Cayce (900-241, A-7). 3. a weakened state, total lack of vitality Cayce (294-50, A-1). 4. (read all at source)

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A goat signifies nature, femininity, and care-giving. If the goat is eating in the dream, it means you long to find more solid ground in your relationships. The goat also refers to the month of January and the zodiac sign Capricorn.
gold... (read all at source)

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Quick Decode: Nature; domesticated; instincts
Popular Expressions: Creature comforts; Nature of the beast
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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Aroma, freshness, nature. Herbal or natural. Femininity.
see also: flower
categories: Objects
What Does Your Dream Mean?
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Dreams are by their nature metaphors for your life. All metaphors will tend to be exxagerations from the truth. So depression dreams will not differ that much from those people who have much milder forms of depression - those who are simply bored or fed up. (read all at source)

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When we look at the nature of a snake, we find that it is indeed a fitting description of evil. Snakes are cold blooded, sly creatures that slither around on their bellies. (read all at source)

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Beast - Your animal nature. Those things in life that threatening and need to be confronted. If Beauty and the Beast scenario it may represent your hidden aspects. (read all at source)

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The blood symbolised the traumatic nature of this conflict.
Example dream : A dream with blood dripping linked to the dreamer breaking up with her boyfriend the day before She was finding it difficult to handle the pain and rejection caused by him cheating on her. (read all at source)

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Babies may also symbolize something pure in your own inner nature. If you dream of a crying baby, part of yourself may feel deprived of attention and affection. (read all at source)

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If you are an adult male and dream that you see or are a boy, then it suggests your playful, innocent, childlike nature. Alternatively, it can symbolize the immature aspects of yourself that still needs to grow. (read all at source)

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It often represents a social character of this nature, for a man may be "a wolf towards other men or women, but a wolf seldom behaves badly towards other wolves. (read all at source)

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The first dream i was in a office and looked around to see a woman in the corner maybe pouring coffee or something of that nature, another man on the opposite side of her also busy with work, i look down at maybe a time sheet or some sort of number sheet with dates and things of that sort,... (read all at source)

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Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature. To hear of any friend or relative being dead, you will soon have bad news from some of them. (read all at source)

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If, in your dream, you abandoned something of a distasteful nature, you will soon hear favorable financial news. However, if in your dream you abandoned someone close to you, it signifies trouble, but don't worry, you can overcome it by heeding the warning. (read all at source)

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In a dream, the stomach represents the elements of property, family, secrets, one's mate, prison, grave, health, sickness, friend, wayfarer, one's religious life and nature of one's devotion. (read all at source)

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To hear the barking of dogs, foretells news of a depressing nature. Difficulties are more than likely to follow. To see dogs on the chase of foxes, and other large game, could denote an unusual briskness in all affairs. (read all at source)

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If you visit a newly made grave, dangers of a serious nature is hangingover you.
Grave is an unfortunate dream.
Ill luck in business transactionswill follow, also sickness is threatened.
To dream of walking on graves, predicts an early death oran unfortunate marriage. (read all at source)

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A man who thinks intensely fills his aura with thought or subjective images active with the passions that gave them birth; by thinking and acting on other lines, he may supplant these images with others possessed of a different form and nature. (read all at source)

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images with others possessed of a different form and nature.
In his dreams he may see these images dying, dead or
their burial, and mistake them for friends or enemies.
In this way he may, while asleep, see himself or a relative die,
when in reality he has been warned that some good thought... (read all at source)

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Remembering dreams can be a bit hard but being chased has its own unique way of staying with us for a very long time due to its nature. Chase dreams are horrible feeling but remember that this particular dream is happening for a reason and you should not ignore it. (read all at source)

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When the dream is about being blind, the message is of a psychological and spiritual nature. Blindness in a dream suggests that the dreamer may be unwilling to see some aspect of his life. There may be a blind spot in the mind, heart and/or soul. (read all at source)

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To dream of an animal dying can be about letting your animal nature die. It can also be about your body's immune system fighting off disease. To dream of dead mutated animals, crows, badgers, snakes, worms, or other animals that are carrion is good. (read all at source)

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In the third dream, cats often represent an independent nature. Large cats might represent the adult part of yourself. The pet kitten is innocent and playful, this might represent the child in you, vulnerable, playful and innocent. (read all at source)

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Similarly, animals may represent aspects of your instinctive nature.
What is the mood of the dream? The overall mood of the dream is important because this represents how you feel about the problem that the common dream is drawing to your attention. (read all at source)

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To dream of a racecar is a representation of your hard working nature and your stubbornness. It may further represent how competitive you are and how strongly you feel the urge to win. The racecar may also be a symbol for ethnicity and how you view it. (read all at source)

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Reptile If a reptile attacks you in a dream, there will be trouble of a serious nature ahead for you. If you succeed in killing it, you will finally overcome obstacles. (read all at source)

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Spades rule conflict, hearts pertain to matters of the heart, diamonds refer to money, and clubs rule difficulties - and the numerological meaning of each number combined with the nature of the suit gives a rough meaning of the card's divinatory nature. (read all at source)

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The nature of the crime committed can be important. Dreaming that you are an accomplice to a violent crime can be a way for you to release anger unconsciously without having to take responsibility for it. (read all at source)

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Observe in which department your dream is set- it may give you important clues to the nature of your problem. You may need some rest or may be trying to recover from a psychological wound that requires inner healing. Or perhaps the dream has a warning about your physical health? (read all at source)

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Negative Aspects of a Flying DreamHowever, dreams of flying can be of both a positive and negative nature. The negative aspect of a flying dream is if you dream you are flying away from something. This usually means that in the waking hours, you are trying to ignore a difficult situation or decision. (read all at source)

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The interpretative significance of a dream symbol depends on a number of factors; among them, the nature of the dream itself, and the dreamer's personal characteristics, past experiences, and prevailing life circumstances. (read all at source)

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Death in a dream is frightening to most dreamers because they lack understanding of the nature of physical life and death. For the aware thinker, the physical life is known as a temporary existence for the soul. (read all at source)

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To see your own intestines, denotes grave situations are closing around you; sickness of a nature to affect you in your daily communications with others threatens you. Probable loss, with much displeasure, is also denoted. (read all at source)

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Hair-Covering: Covenant; the old (sinful) nature; doctrine; humanity; tradition. Long-Haired Man= Defiance; rebellion. Woman With Long Hair= Glorified. Shaving= Putting away the filthiness or nature of the flesh. Haircut= Removing or breaking covenants or religious traditions. (read all at source)

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The nature of the loss will depend on the part of the body that has been amputated. For example, having a foot or leg amputated can mean that you have encountered an obstacle that is preventing you from continuing on your expected path in life. (read all at source)

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If you dream of driving a wagon loaded with hay shows a thrifty nature and an unwillingness to speculate on unsure ventures. Driving a wagon down hill will denote a situation that will arise shortly in a manner that is disgusting to you. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are doing forgery (of a signature, a painting, etc), suggests that you are acting badly in some way in your real life. You have a flaw in your character which makes you willing to deceive and take advantage of others for your own gain. (read all at source)

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Green: This is the color of nature. It is also the color of development and growth. Lighter shades of green tending towards blue represent healing. Darker, muddier shades of greens represent envy and greed, as well as a stubborn and/or self-opinionated attitude. (read all at source)

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Even though green is archetypally associated with nature, healing, and growth, your interpretation will benefit from looking within yourself to find out what green means to you personally. In addition, consider the behavior of the snake in the dream. (read all at source)

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Woman has in her composition those qualities, docility and stubbornness, which tallies with the same qualities in the donkey; both being supplied from the same storehouse, mother Nature; and consequently, they would naturally maintain an affinity,... (read all at source)

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Green is a lucky omen, symbolizing nature, good fortune, good health, and vitality. You have a desire for peace and harmony. Alternatively, green represents babyhood, materialism, jealousy, cheating or deceit.
The color maroon signifies isolation, bravery and courage. (read all at source)

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To hear one coming, denotes news of a foreign nature.
Business will assume changes that will mean success to all classes.
To hear it whistle, you will be pleased and surprised at the appearance of a friend who has been absent, or an unexpected offer, which means preferment to you. (read all at source)

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If someone forged your signature you can get friends that is not good for you. If you forged something you will get more money.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
Download app... (read all at source)

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A body part of this nature is an intimate dream symbol and indicates strong emotional attachment and love. Often, this is associated with a love between parent and child, but not always. An abdomen can also be a sensual dream symbol and mean that parents and children are the last thing on your mind!... (read all at source)

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A dream with some form of keepsake represents your loving and giving nature. It also symbolizes romance.
A dream with a keg symbolizes family loyalty. To see a broken keg in your dream suggests that you are lacking ambition or are experiencing separation from your loved ones. (read all at source)

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Strawberries - goodness, excellence in nature & virtue; healing; sweet & very humble
Tomato - kindness, the heart of God; big hearted; generous
Water - Holy Spirit; refreshing; Word of God; spiritual life... (read all at source)

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Indian (Native American) symbolic of animism or the worship of nature
Infant-symbolic of an early stage of an idea or new thing
Inheritance-symbolic of a good person, Prov. 13:22... (read all at source)

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Animals often represent the part of your psyche that feels connected to nature and survival. Being chased by a predator suggests you're holding back repressed emotions like fear or aggression. (read all at source)

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A flickering or diminishing flame signifies a disappointment which will probably be in the nature of a limited success; a definitely red flame warns against uncontrolled temper; a very steady, strong, vertical flame predicts unqualified success; and a very bright flame promises great happiness. (read all at source)

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Demons: Seeing demons in your dream is a warning against overindulging your baser nature and giving into your lusts, all of which have an adverse effect on your bodily health, as well as your mental health. (read all at source)

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If this seems the case for you, examine the situation that bothers you and think about what parts of it you CAN control. None of us in life can ever control everything. Nature is very powerful. (read all at source)

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4. Death means change. It means the end of something: an idea, relationship, habit, etc. and on to something else. Death is nothing more than a transition because physical life, by nature, is a temporary existence for the soul. Death is a change from one state of being to another. (read all at source)

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Stork : instantly recognizable in our culture as a symbol that a baby has been delivered or is due, possibly due to the young stork's habit of gratefully feeding it's parents when it becomes a fledgling; or due to the stork's return after winter migration, when nature begins anew. (read all at source)

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Nature Symbols
Gaining Super Natural Insight
via Nature Symbols
Nature symbols are a paradox. They provide some of the most revealing and profound meanings for us, yet these meanings are often first overlooked. (read all at source)

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