Moustache dream meaning

To dream that you have a moustache when you don't actually have one, signifies that you are hiding an aspect of yourself. You are putting on a disguise or showing a different aspect of your personality. (read all at source)

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Shaving, clipping or adjusting one's moustache in a dream means lessening one's burdens. A moustache in a dream also means money. A bad cut in one's moustache in a dream means a mishap or losing money. (read all at source)

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bat, Mousefish, Mousehole, Mousekin, mouselike, Mouser, mouse's nest, Mousetail, mouse-tooth forceps, mousetrap, mousey, Mousie, Mousing, Mousle, mouso, Mousquetaire, Mousquetaire cuff, Mousquetaire glove, moussaka, mousse, Mousseline, Mousseline de soie, mousseline de sole, Moussorgsky, Moustache,... (read all at source)

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A moustache on a woman can mean:
You consider the woman to have some masculine personality characteristics or traits usually associated with males
You areafraid of not feeling feminine enough, a loss of femininity, or a lack of intuition or creativity
A moustache on a man can represent:... (read all at source)

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