Mould dream meaning

Nature Those parts of your being that have arisen with little or no interference. Not moulded by conscious ambitions, desires. More... (read all at source)

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Dream interpretation - Mould
To see mild in your dream, indicates that something in your life has been ignored or is no longer of any... Continue dream interpretation - Mould"continue dream interpretation
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To see mild in your dream, indicates that something in your life has been ignored or is no longer of any use. It may also represent transformation and new growth. To see a broken mild in your dream, suggests that you need to break away from your old habits and explore new things. (read all at source)

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"Could we but mould our dreams at will,
And keep them free from harm or ill,
How pleasant it would be,
To deem our waking hours but dreams,
And that, our life which now but seems
A baseless fantasy."
-- Lady M. W. Montague... (read all at source)

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erode, erosion, excrement, fading, failing, fall into decay, fall to pieces, ferment, fester, filth, fission, foul matter, foulness, furfur, gangrene, go bad, go off, go to pieces, go to pot, go to seed, hydrolysis, hydrolyst, incoherence, mess, mildew, mold, molder, mortification, mortify, mould,... (read all at source)

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The bread was mouldy & stale when I ate it, I spat it out. In my thoughts I knew the young lady didn't want me around because of their insecurities. This is way she gave me the keys to the house. Then the phone some called me on the phone & said the show had finished. (read all at source)

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Popular Expressions: Monkey business; Crack the mould
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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In the midst of the little village stood a great crucifix of lead, so cast in a mould as to allow me from the elevated position I occupied behind it, to see that though in front it looked solid, it was in reality hollow. (read all at source)

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The state of the kitchen shows the state of your digestive system. If the room is moldy, it indicates that mould is growing inside your colon. If plaster or wall paper is falling off the walls, it indicates that the lining of your intestines is damaged. (read all at source)

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A public bus shows how you mould your way of being into what you believe is expected of you. It reflects how you may have become a 'passenger' rather than blazing your own path. (read all at source)

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