Monster dreams by DreamMean
To dream of being pursued by a monster, denotes that sorrow and misfortune hold prominent places in your immediate future.
To slay a monster, denotes that you will successfully cope with enemies and rise to eminent positions.
A monster can represent your subconscious fears.
Dreaming that a monster is after you can mean:... (read all at source)
To slay a monster, denotes that you will successfully cope with enemies and rise to eminent positions. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are followed by a monster means that grief and misfortune are in your immediate future. Monsters represent parts of yourself that you find brutish and ugly. You may possess some fears or some repressed emotions. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Abnormal; success; threat
Popular Expressions: The green eyed monster; paper tiger; I’ve created a monster... (read all at source)
A monster can often represent someone or something that is getting out of hand. It maybe a person who takes advantage or who has become a big problem. They may not be willing to listen or to reason with anyone. (read all at source)
The Cookie Monster was initially created to be shown in the advertisements for snack foods. It used to eat a large quantity of cookies in food commercials which were to be used to increase the sale of snack foods to the public. (read all at source)
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He got killed by a monster type "thing". The only thing that was different in this dream is that I cried because I saw it happen. My friends even cried. When I woke up, I was still crying because I thought it was real. (read all at source)
The interpretation of the dream "Vampire or other monster"
Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse
vyzdopovlenie of the patient; ybivat chydovische - pobeda nad opacnym vpagom, Nr be ickycannym chydovischem - to tyazhkoy bolezni or potepe coctoyaniya. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of being pursued by a monster, denotes that sorrow and misfortune hold prominent places in your immediate future. To slay a monster, denotes that you will successfully cope with enemies and rise to eminent positions.. (read all at source)
Monstertop list
Dreaming about monsters and demons is very common. They may represent negative forces inside of yourself and in your life. Most of the monsters are representing your own negative characteristics and tendencies. (read all at source)
Monster-a devouring beast is symbolic of a problem or spiritual enemy capable of swallowing your life, Jer. 51:34... (read all at source)
To dream that you are chased or followed by a monster, represents your repressed emotions of sorrow and anger.
To dream that you kill a monster, denotes that you will overcome your rivals and rise to a better position. (read all at source)
monster. inner fears, insecurities, struggle, or vulnerability.
moon. Romance, fantasy, mystery, strength, or sincerity.
mountain. Personal growth, obstacle, challenge, or struggle to achieve goals. (read all at source)
The good news about nightmares is that they are a sign that something powerful has begun to stir within you. A monster can appear in a dream as a representation of your power and how you may find this power frightening. (read all at source)
Monster/Dragon - present when a fear is beyond understanding. If the dreamer wards off or kills the beast he or she will have mastered fear.
Mouse - timidity.
Otter - adaptable and industrious. (read all at source)
monster something feared is getting blown out of proportion; an overactive imagination; a picture of fears; facing your inner demons; feeling threatened. What or who might not be as frightening as you have imagined? (read all at source)
A dream with a monster suggests that you are experiencing negativity in your life, are fearful about something, or feel vulnerable or uneasy in some part of your life. The dream ..Read more →
MOON ... (read all at source)
Different forms of monsters for diverse fears. To force you to face your fears.
On top: Sense of having arrived or having accomplished something. Below: Prepare for a challenging effort needed to over come a problem or situation. (read all at source)
History Of Dreaming
Mind and Movement 10 - The History of Physical and Spiritual Healing in Different Cultures
Publishing History - Your Dream Interpreter
Sewer... (read all at source)
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
Dreaming about monsters and demons is very common. They may represent negative forces inside of yourself and in your life. Most of the monsters are representing your own negative characteristics and tendencies. (read all at source)
monsters: Something that you are afraid of in yourself or another person. Negative forces within and without.
moon: Romance and love, a reflection of the inner self, your inner soul, intuition, and even irrationality, as in lunacy.
(Click to enlarge)... (read all at source)
see also: monster mythological character
categories: People
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
Prehistoric monsters and creatures in dreams trigger fear and fright. This is about the fascination of the gigantic and monumental. The dreamer must provide clarity whether it in its existence anxiety responds to your physical size or to your power.
Psychologically:... (read all at source)
Your unconscious is not going to paint a perfect picture for you so your going to do a bit of digging. Being chased by a killer dog, murderer or even a monster can translate unconsciously to your boss, parents or friends. (read all at source)
A stormy sea or one with sea monsters suggests confusion and anxiety in the dreamer. On the other hand, a peaceful sea suggests the dreamer is comfortable with herself and her sexuality. Secret To dream that you or someone else has a secret represents hidden power. (read all at source)
Virtues: chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, kindness, patience, and humility In the genealogy in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is 77th in a direct line The number of heads of the three beasts (7 �- 10 �- 7 + 7 �- 10 �- 10 + 7 �- 10 = 1260) of the Book of Revelation, and of some other monsters,... (read all at source)
You can make the monster into whatever you want, including a cuddly puppy. (read all at source)
If you dream that you are giving birth to a monster (or anything non-human), this suggests that you are holding back from expressing your inner creativity and "real" self, because you fear that others will judge your or that they will not accept your ideals. (read all at source)
In particular, if you dream that you are giving birth to a monster, then it implies that your inner creative energy has yet to differentiate itself and grow into expression. (read all at source)
The basic theme of an army in ones dream is a struggle against the forces of evil, against the monsters and demons that threaten us. An army is an overwhelming force, irresistible and indestructible. It is a nameless power. (read all at source)
He often travels by ship or fights a sea monster. For example he may, like Jonah, in the Bible, be swallowed by a monster, showing that he has been overwhelmed by unconscious contents. (read all at source)
Monsters (1) Is the dragon guarding a treasure, or a cave which might contain treasure? (read all at source)
Crocodile: See Leviathan, Dinosaur and Alligator: Bending; crooked; meandering; snake; monster; devious; distorted; ancient demon; large, evil creature that cannot be tamed with the natural strength of man; principality; evil spirit; ancient demonic control; only the Lord has power over; dragon. (read all at source)
A dream of being chased by an unknown person, creature or monster is a sign that you want to avoid acknowledging or accepting a part of yourself that you dislike.
If you dream of being chased by an animal, you are afraid of being overwhelmed by your own emotions and animal instincts. (read all at source)
Dark green or green and black indicates difficulties with sharing such as jealousy, rivalry and envy - the green eyed monster. This indicates you need to balance male and female energies within, to avoid health problems with your heart. (read all at source)
Our dreams can contain any type of imagery - old friends, monsters, and elephants - even insects. Dreams involving bugs can be either positive or negative in nature. Here are a few of the insects about which people more commonly dream:... (read all at source)
Ravens are humanitarians in Native American symbolic legends too. In fact, the raven was a hero to many tribes. The Inuit for example believed the raven tricked a giant sea monster into submission, and to this day its body serves as the Alaskan mainland. (read all at source)
Sorrows and calamities from hosts of evil work against you. Death of parents and friends, loss of limbs or sight, may follow after a dream of these ghoulish monsters. A white bat is almost a sure sign of death. Often the death of a child follows this dream. (read all at source)
If you dream of green, you could be experiencing feelings of jealousy toward another person or situation - the 'green-eyed monster' may be present. With the expanding consciousness toward green living, you may desire to be more in harmony with nature and her resources. (read all at source)
monster.. things. But after doing this- outside I found this amazingly beautiful snake. She was brighter light green and rather long I'd say over 4 feet and bigger as well. Her head was the size of my fist. And she had intelligence in her eyes. (read all at source)
A huge slide (like you see in park jungle gyms) popped up at the other end of the pool, and we climbed all the way to the top. As the octopus reached up for us, my brother fell down the slide. Just before the monster would eat him, I'd wake up. (read all at source)
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