Minuet dream meaning

Minuet dreams by DreamMean
To dream of seeing the minuet danced, signifies a pleasant existence with congenial companions.

To dance it yourself, good fortune and domestic joys are foretold.

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To see a minuet in your dream, pleasant surroundings and joyous friendships. To dream that you are dancing in a minuet, foretells of domestic bliss and prosperity. (read all at source)

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Hi I keep having these same dreams about my friend we use to mess around and he stop talking to me because he said to many guys like me but every time I see him he would stare at me for a good while every minuet he would turn and look at me and when I walk pass him he gets stiff and just stare he... (read all at source)

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hula, hula-hula, hustle, interpretative dance, jazz, jig, jive, joy, jubilate, kola, lambency, Lambeth Walk, lancers, laugh, leap, levee, light show, lilt, limbo, lindy, mainstream jazz, mambo, mask, masked ball, masque, masquerade, masquerade ball, mazurka, meet, meeting, Mexican hat dance, minuet,... (read all at source)

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