Seeing a microwave in your dream, represents your quick thinking and quick-action. You need to consider new and better way of doing things. (read all at source)
Microwave - impatience; quick work; convenient; sudden
Mirror - God's Word; a person's heart; vanity
Money - gain or loss of favor; power; provision; wealth; spiritual riches; authority; strength of man; covetousness; greed... (read all at source)
microwave hot and modern; spending too much time around radiation; operating at a high frequency. What is agitating you to the point of getting too hot to handle? (read all at source)
Home -› Dream-Dictionary -› Microwave oven
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Popped corn in the microwave or on a campfire.
Eaten popcorn.
Shared popcorn with another.
Enjoyed pop corn
Eaten caramel corn or popcorn cakes.
Offered popcorn.
Had your home, room, or area filled with a massive amount of popcorn.
Seen popcorn growing from a corn stalk.
Tossed popcorn. (read all at source)
we microwaved it and then went to our original positions in the room. i felt excitement in the dream i remember that, we were all waiting for somthing to happen in the living room. my mom informed me that we were waiting for ghost. Again i was patient and excited in the dream... (read all at source)
Microwave oven - Uterus
Mirror - Reproductive system
Money - The heart (money circulates in the economy and therefore symbolises the circulatory system). (read all at source)
She then reappeared in one of the other rooms and started to set a microwave on fire and I started to freak out telling her it would blow up the place and kill us all. The pregnant woman was gone now and we were on my laptop looking up this famous guy called Michael? (read all at source)