List dream meaning

Organization or the need to organize
Analyzying or trying to figure something out
Tasks or chores, such as when your to-do list is weighing on your mind
A group of something, such as reasons, people, objects, or things you want to remember
A plan or strategy... (read all at source)

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This list of planets is made available for the esoteric practitioner who is looking for deeper connections between the mundane and the cosmic. The planets are a broad spectrum (big picture or macrocosm) of the smaller human theater (microcosm). (read all at source)

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List of Terms: Terms beginning with "C", Page 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
C: Page 10 of 27. (read all at source)

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list too much to do and not enough time; organize your time and plan your work; something off balance and tipping to one side. Why are you attempting to do too many things at once? (read all at source)

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List of alien abduction signs...
(based on Betty Andreasson's alien abduction)... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are making a list, suggests that you are worried about a problem or situation in your waking life. (read all at source)

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Mantop list
All different kinds of people clutter our dream landscape. The men in your dream may include family members or total strangers. You may dream about your father, son, husband, or friend and should interpret the dream according to its details. (read all at source)

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I will list your symbols and try to draw meaning this way: house -self, body, personality mom - mature self sister- immature self house invasion- feeling vulnerable, or violated took cell- stopped you from calling for help, unable to get help hands- used for working, loving, helping,... (read all at source)

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Making a list in a dream denotes that the dreamer is worried about forgetting an important item that looms large in... Continue dream interpretation - Lists"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Liver... (read all at source)

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Read the list below of common associations linked to "instruction" dreams. (read all at source)

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Here is a list of health-related dreams and what they may mean:
AmbulancesIf you dream of an ambulance, you may be concerned about your health or that of someone close to you. (read all at source)

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The Bucket List Cast - The Bucket List Movie Credits Starring Jack Nicholson
Jack Nicholson Photo - The Bucket List Movie Premiere Jack Nicholson Photo
Something’s Gotta Give DVD - A Review of the Movie Something's Gotta Give on DVD... (read all at source)

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Below is a list of 25 common symbols and their collective meaning, listed in alphabetical order
25 Common Dream Symbols and their Meanings
1. Animals in general represent habits, urges, instincts and aspects we attribute to them which are found in ourselves. (read all at source)

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This is the list that I most frequently use, to understand and interpret the numbers in my dreams. I did not create this list but I have added to it over the years as more numbers have come to my understanding. This is only a guide, the interpretation still belongs to the Lord. (read all at source)

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There is a list of dream types. These show you the wide variety of different dream types. Dreams tend to link to the mind and the thoughts in it at any given point. Some dreams are about relationships, others are triggered by creative processes in our minds. (read all at source)

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The following list is sorted into alphabetical order to make it easy to quickly determine the subject matter of your dream. The list includes general locations along with locations and devices in the home. The meanings still hold if the house or home in the dream is not actually your own. (read all at source)

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Check out the list of Snake Dream Meanings.
Popular Dream Meanings
Recent Snake Dreams... (read all at source)

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But see if you can list what you take into the dream you are considering. Is it fear, inspiration, sexual feelings, something new, worry - whatever it is write it down. Then ask yourself what that means. (read all at source)

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enroll, enscroll, enter, enumerate, envelope, erase, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, erode, escutcheon, etui, falcon, fess, fess point, field, field army, field train, file folder, file for, file off, files, filiation, filing box, filing card, filing system, fill out, film, finding list,... (read all at source)

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Afraid of seeing a big* dog means problems - In the dream to see large dog and to be frightened because of him, indicates that you will have problems which will be larger than average; (* see list of large & big dog breeds)... (read all at source)

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This list is *not* meant to be comprehensive,
just a small guide to help you get started. I prefer to interpret symbols within the context of the dream they appear in, rather than piece by piece which would leave too much room for error. (read all at source)

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There is a whole list of factors on why some people sleepwalk. Sleepwalking depends on your environmental, medical and physiological conditions, if any of these are interfered with you have a higher chance of sleepwalking. (read all at source)

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The suspect list in the dream will help refine this further. If you are the victimized and the stolen items are central, then material loss is creating anxiety. (read all at source)

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To make it easier I am going to list the appropriate dream contents in alphabetical order so that if you want to look up a dream of your own you can find the meaning more easily. (read all at source)

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The Interpretation of Animal Dreams with List of Animal Dream Symbols. What do Animals in a dream mean? Dream Dictionary Interpretation for Animal, Eating An Animal, Guarding Treasure, Mythical Beasts, Dogs Cats And Pets, dreams about a fox snake or fish dream meanings explained. (read all at source)

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A category or other way to organize thoughts, feelings, opinions, to-do list items, etc.
Being or feeling organized or neat, especially as pertains to your state of mind (orderly or logical thinking).
Keeping certain things together in your mind (objects, people, ideas, etc.). (read all at source)

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Enter a word, in whole or partly, in the search box below or click a letter in the alphabetical index to see a clickable list of dream symbols.
Enchanted :
If you are enchanted in a dream you must be careful. If you are young you must listen to your parents. (read all at source)

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Next, refer any emotional or recurring dream symbols to a dream dictionary or the list below. Remember - don't take these definitions as read, because they do depend on the context of your dream, your personal psychological attachments to the symbols, and your current life circumstances. (read all at source)

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This is, of course an incomplete list, but will give you a flavor of what awaits you in The Dragon's Treasure. There are other symbols explored on the DreamDragon Blog as well.
A... (read all at source)

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Popular Expressions: Wish list; Be careful of what you wish for; wish you were here
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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Please write in if there is a shape you are dreaming about that is not yet on our list, and we'll let you know what it means!
Dreams Symbols Dictionary
Dream Symbol Dictionary... (read all at source)

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Want to talk about your dreams? Join our discussion list on dreams. ... (read all at source)

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To dream that something is too heavy, symbolizes your burdens, workload and responsibilities. You are carrying too much on your shoulders and need to set some priorities. Better yet, take a break and lighten up. Do you really have to accomplish everything on your to-do list?
Hedge... (read all at source)

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Here is a list some foods that you may dream about and their dream meanings:
Bread, pasta or potatoes: The fulfillment of basic needs
Butter: Simple pleasures... (read all at source)

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